Thursday, December 5, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 16

through the eyes of a child revision page 16 by ric gustafson

" How about this table?" Charles asked as his eyes darted around the crowded cafeteria. He knew at this time of day it was going to be hard to find an open table.
" This one is ok". She put the McDonald's sack on it, pulled out a chair and sat down. She handed a double cheeseburger and fries to her husband.
His cellphone buzzed. He took a bite of a French fry. He opened it. " Hello". He unwrapped the cheeseburger and put more ketchup on it. " Hi Detective Springer".
Katie sat down with two large cups of water. She handed him one.
" I see". He mouthed a thank you to his wife. " Ok, keep in touch". He closed it and put it back into a front pant pocket. As he tried to open a ketchup packet, it fell onto the floor. As he reached down to get it, he noticed the business card that he had found by the park bench. He put it into his wallet without glancing at it.
" Who was that?".
" Detective Springer". He nervously bit into his cheeseburger. " He said the van was untraceable because there was no markings on it and no license plates".
" I'm scared what they might do to our baby" Katie said with a fearful look as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. " I've hardly been able to sleep since it happened".
" I know". He put a loving arm around his wife. " Let's pray right now for guidance and assurance that Kelly is alright".
" Ok".
The two of them bowed their heads and prayed to God to protect their daughter from harm.

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