Monday, October 31, 2022

Titanic 2022 page 7

 Titanic 2022 page 7 by ric gustafson

The wreck site is still there. The bow shows corrosion from salt water and rusting. There are new holes in the metal. The bow went into the ocean floor at an angle of 15 to 30 degrees. The bow went 60 feet into the ocean mud. It will never come out. Decks, hallways  and staterooms are still intact. 
The stern of the liner is also stuck in mud. The rest is leveled flat. Ten decks have already collapsed. The grand staircase ripped from the stern and disappeared.The debris field for the huge liner was five different fields.
How long will the wreck survive?. Nobody knows.
According to the British report, Lifeboat number 6 was the first to be lowered from the port side of the huge liner. The time was 12:55. Crew included Seamen Hitchens and Seamen Fleet. A male passenger named Major Peuchen was asked to help out. Female passengers included Miss Bowerman, Mrs J J Brown, Mrs Candee and Mrs Rothschild.

research help: ' Titanic First Accounts' by Tim Maltin and Nicholas Wade

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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