Monday, October 3, 2022

Parables: the Pearl of Great Price

 Parables: the Pearl of Great Price by ric gustafson

This parable talks about finding something of great value and giving up everything to obtain it. The parable is about a merchant. He wants to make a deal. Jesus is teaching that people value things at different levels. This parable invites us to contemplate our actions.
A pearl is not an essential purchase. You cannot eat it. It is a luxury good. Obtaining pearls was not easy. They had to be discovered.  Jesus portrays the merchant as wise. A pearl is small and insignificant. The pearl was high value to the merchant. He took a huge risk to obtain it.
The Kingdom of Heaven comes at a price. It is cost and valuation. 
Nothing is of greater value than to spend eternity with Jesus. Praise God's name.

research help: ' The economics of the Parables' by Robert Sirico

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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