Thursday, October 20, 2022

a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 4

 a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 4 by ric gustafson

Jeff walked among the machines. He was tired. It had already been a long day. He looked around. He was surprised that nobody was manning the machines. 
He stopped. He craned his ear. He thought he heard laughter coming from the breakroom. Then he saw Harry the Plant Foreman walking by carrying paper plates and napkins.
" Harry, what's going on?". Concern was on Jeff's face. " Where is everybody?".
Harry looked perplexed. " Didn't you hear the news Jeff?".
" Hear what news?".
" Your brother". Harry smiled. " He came back".
" Joseph".
" Yes". He began to walk toward the noisy breakroom. " Your father is having a party for him in the breakroom right now".
Jeff followed him.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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