Friday, October 21, 2022

a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 5

 a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 5 by ric gustafson

Jeff and Harry walked into the breakroom. Streamers saying Welcome Home were scattered around. Jeff looked around the crowded room. He noticed his father standing next to some of his coworkers. He walked up to him. 
" Father, what's going on?".
He smiled at his older son. " Son, we're having a party".
" Why Dad?".
" Because your brother has come home".
" Hello brother".
Jeff turned around to see Joseph standing behind him.
" Father, no one is manning the machines". Anger was beginning to show in his voice. " We're losing money".
The father grinned. " It's time to celebrate son".
Joseph opened his arms. " A hug brother".
" Father, I'm angry". He turned away from Joseph. " We need to talk in your office".
Father sighed. " Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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