Tuesday, October 18, 2022

a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 3

 a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 3 by ric gustafson

Father walked into the sparse office. He sat down at the desk. He yawned. Because of new orders, the plant was busier than normal. He closed his eyes to relax.
There was a quiet knock on the door. It opened. The person walked in.
" Hi Dad".
He looked up to see a young man with a backpack.
" Well hi Joseph". He smiled as he got up. He walked over. He embraced his son. " I've missed you so much".
" I'm so sorry Dad". Joseph began to cry. " I'm sorry I disappointed you".
" Joseph, my son". Father son embraced again. " Everything has been forgiven and forgotten".
Fear came over Joseph's face. " I need a job Dad".
Smiling, the Father picked up the phone. " Harry, do we have any open positions on the line?".
" Dad, I'll do anything".
" You do good". He smiled at his son. " I have another favor to ask".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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