Thursday, October 6, 2022

Devil's Food page 1

 Devil's Food page 1 by ric gustafson

Roy McReed pressed the white garage door button to shut the garage door. He opened the kitchen door. He walked into a spacious newly remodeled kitchen. " Hi sweetie".
" Hi honey" replied Margaret McReed. She put down a carving knife. " I'm just finishing up our halloween pumpkin".
Roy yawned as he put his brown briefcase on top of their wooden hutch. " Work was really busy today". He walked over to a white refrigerator. He opened it. He peered inside. " Have you seen my Hostess treats?".
" Yes, right next to your cheese slices".
He pulled out a familiar red, white and blue package. He opened it and took a big bite. " I love these things".
" What are they called?".
" Hostess Devil's Food zingers".
" Oh, I need you to do something for me".
He gave her a peck on the cheek. " What's that?".
" I need you to go to the store and buy our halloween candy for tomorrow".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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