Sunday, October 9, 2022

Parables: the Talents

 Parables: the Talents by ric gustafson

This is one of the best known stories Jesus spoke about. A man gives talents to three servants. This parable from Matthew differs from a similiar parable from Luke 19. In this parable from Matthew, Jesus talks about what God entrusts to us. This is a story about capital, investment and proper use of resources. 
The master in this parable leaves and makes his servants caretakers of his property. He gave talents to each according to their ability. The first two servants doubled the masters money. The third put his money into a hole. The master returned. The first two servants received praise from their master. The third his reward was swiftly taken away. 
The master is Jesus. When we are faithful and fruitful, an eternal reward is given. Our work for Jesus is to be fearless and total. Jesus does not want us to hide our gifts. We are to use them for his Kingdom
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' the economics of the Parables' by Robert Sirico

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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