Thursday, October 27, 2022

Titanic 2022 page 4

 Titanic 2022 page 4 by ric gustafson

When the Titanic hit the bottom of the ocean, lifeboats were floating on top. Survivors could hear horrifying screams. The next morning, the survivors were saved by the liner Carpathia.
When Senator William Alden Smith heard about the disaster, he had to act quickly. The senator from Michigan knew there would be outrage and hunger for details. He would need a set of common facts. He knew he would have to get as many witnesses as possible. 
His largest witness would have to be Joseph Bruce Ismay. He was the chairman of the White Star Line. He was also one of the survivors. Smith gave him a subpoena. The hearings took place in the East Room at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Smith questioned Ismay with outrage and hysterics. Smith asked Ismay how he survived when most of the men did not. Eventually, the hearing moved back to Washington. In all, 86 witnesses testified. The transcript file was nearly 1200 pages long.

research help: ' Sinkable' by Daniel Stone

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric


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