Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Titanic 2022 page 2

 Titanic 2022 page 2 by ric gustafson

Why is the Titanic story still popular today?. Large ships have failed before. In 1854, the SS City of Glasgow went down with 480 people. The SS Naronic went down in 1893 with 74 on board. Icebergs were common by 1912. 
So what is all the fascination with the Titanic?. The liner was built with human confidence. It was a symbol of a new era. It was the embodiment of modernism. What happened to Titanic was a tragedy. It killed a lot of people.
The story of Titanic stayed alive because of the survivors. Eva Hart, Charlotte Collyer and many others told their stories for decades. The Titanic story is a classic story. There was an iceberg, loss of life and human overconfidence. 
So how did the ship go down?. A theory is based on mass, ocean current and distance. At one point, the huge liner ripped into two. The bow swung down and barely hung unto the stern. When it finally went down, it went down from zero to six hundred feet. This was called the surface ocean. Then the bow went into a free fall steering straight for the ocean bottom. The bow went down at 30 miles per hour. 
The stern of the liner lagged behind. The stern followed the bow down to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

research help: ' Sinkable' by Daniel Stone

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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