Sunday, October 2, 2022

Parables: the Hidden Treasure

 Parables: The Hidden Treasure by ric gustafson

This parable from Matthew 13 talks about the kingdom of God. It talks about how to attain it. This treasure seizes people attention and draws them in. This treasure makes people willing to surrender there present path and seek out a new path. 
What is the treasure in this parable?. Treasure could of been wisdom. The treasure does not find us. We have to search it out and recognize it.
This parable points us to the Kingdom of Heaven. The person in this parable sold all his possessions for joy. This joy of the Kingdom that we should put the highest value on.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The economics of the Parables' by Robert Sirico

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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