Sunday, October 16, 2022

a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 1

 a Prodigal Son Thanksgiving page 1 by ric gustafson

As Joseph took a bite of turkey, he looked in love at his family. " Henry, what are you thankful for?".
The young man put down his glass of milk. " I'm thankful for my friends at school".
Joseph smiled at his wife. " Honey, what are you thankful for?".
Rose took a bite of cranberry sauce. " I'm thankful that we are all here and safe".
Joseph took a bite of mashed potatoes. " Adrian, what are you thankful for?".
" I'm thankful that Christmas is coming". She grinned. " Presents".
" Dad". Henry took a bite of a roll. " Tell us again how you and Uncle Jeff inherited the plant".
Joseph took a bite of green bean casserole. " You don't want to hear that story again".
All three exclaimed. " Yes".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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