Friday, October 7, 2022

Parables: the Rich Fool

 Parables: the Rich Fool by ric gustafson

A brother asked Jesus to get involved in a personal family conflict. Jesus tells him it is not his place to act as an arbiter in a legal dispute. In the brother, Jesus sees sin and greed. Jesus was not flattered. Both the older and younger sons think they are right. The younger son came to Jesus about his inheritance. 
So Jesus told a story about a man who came to wealth. It transformed him. He was only happy when he acquired wealth. So this man decided to store up things. And then he dies. What did he show for his efforts?. What did he do for the Kingdom of God?. To Jesus, he was a fool. Instead of his bank account, he should been concentrating on his spiritual life. We do not need to worry about the future. Jesus has and always will take care of us. We can take that to the bank.

research help: ' The economics of the Parables' by Robert Sirico

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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