Saturday, October 8, 2022

Parables: the Two Debtors

 Parables: the Two Debtors by ric gustafson

God in this story is a banker or money lender. This story deals with vulnerable people. This parable is about sin and forgiveness. The first part of the story takes place at a banquet. A woman anoints Jesus's feet with her tears and expensive ointment. Jesus forgave the sins of the sinful woman.
Then Jesus talks about two debtors. One owed a small amount. The other owed a large amount. The creditor forgave both debtors. A loving God forgives everyone.
Jesus saw the sinful woman as a person of dignity in need of love and redemption. Jesus sees us in the same light. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' the economics of the Parables' by Robert Sirico

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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