Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 3

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 3 by ric Gustafson

I'm tired I thought to myself as I got a diet coke out of the refrigerator. As I sat down at the kitchen table, I thought to myself how working at the plant really takes a toll on me. The house was quiet since I was the only one there. My younger brother Joseph called last night and said that he was coming home after being gone for two years.
My father is still at the plant. He works long hours because he is the CEO and started the plant. I was tired after attending a counseling session for my jealousy issues. For two years, I have been very jealous of Joseph and mad at my father for letting him do it. My mother passed away early in my life so Dad raised Joseph and I.
I have always admired my father and have always wanted to be like him. When I was old enough, I began to work at the plant. Joseph, on the other hand, could care less about the plant or responsibilities at all. He only cares about cars, girls and having a good time. I have always worked hard at the plant to please my father. I am very jealous of Joseph. I'm also upset with my father because it seems that he cares more for Joseph than me.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 2

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jeff graduated from high school with honors and was enjoying working for my Dad at the plant. The plant was doing well and Dad was establishing investments for Jeff and I. During the summer before my senior year, I asked Dad for some of my investment money. I told him I wanted to travel, relax and try to discover myself.  Dad was not happy but gave me the money. Jeff began to get jealous of me because he was slaving away at the plant and I wanted to go out and enjoy the world.
I left with just a backpack and my investment money. For the next two years I stayed in motels, ate at greasy diners and sometimes would buy alcohol or drugs. During this time, I heard my father still loved me and was patiently waiting for me to return home. I also heard that Jeff was getting more and more jealous of me and getting angry at my father.
I had trouble finding a job because I did not have a high school diploma. My investment money began to run out. Eventually, I got a job working on a pig farm shoveling slop to hogs. I got so hungry that I considered eating what I was feeding to the hogs. At this time, I began thinking about our middle class home and that we had plenty to eat. My stomach now was always growling and I was starving. I decided to go back home, get on my knees and apologize to my father. I hope that Jeff will forgive me also. The next morning, I put on my backpack and started for home.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Oz page 12

Oz page 12 by ric Gustafson

The MGM studio came into dominance in the 1930's under the leadership of Louis Mayer. By 1939, the studio was the most prestigious of all the Hollywood studios. MGM was one of Hollywood's big four studios. The other three were 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Warner Bros. Fox and Paramount produced sophisticated comedies, dramas and musicals with big production values and popular stars. Warner Bros produced gritty streetwise films. Warner Bros did gangster melodramas that elevated stars like James Cagney and Paul Muni to star status.
Other studios were Universal who made horror thrillers and westerns. Columbia which made common man comedies and melodramas. RKO made comedies and horror thrillers. United Artists made adult dramas and adult dramas. Walt Disney Productions made long and short animation. Hal Roach Productions made live action shorts with Laurel and Hardy and Our Gang. Republic Studios made westerns and serials.
MGM movies always looked good but a lot of them were smaller pictures for quick profits and turnaround. These smaller pictures helped finance larger film projects.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David J Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 1

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 1 by ric Gustafson

How to start my story I thought to myself as I stared outside from my bedroom window. I took a sip of my bottled water and thought about the events that had happened the last two years.
My older brother Jeff was down at the plant helping my father so the house is quiet. My father is a hard working Swede who built a steel plant in our hometown. Jeff decided to follow in my father's footsteps and work for him at the plant. Through hard work, he prospered and has been able to rise quickly through the ranks at the plant. His jealousy toward me and what transpired the last two years probably influenced his drive for excellence.
My brother and I were raised in a typical middle class home. Our mother Ruth passed away when I was young so Dad has raised us most of our lives. Dad was always at the plant but made sure and spent time with us.
When Dad would come home from work, the three of us would eat dinner together. Jeff would listen intently as Dad talked about the plant. I would listen but frankly I couldn't have cared less about the plant. I told Dad about my cool friends and the awesome car that I had just fixed up.
When I started high school, I got involved with kids who started me down the wrong path. I started taking drugs, drinking at parties and my school grades really suffered. Dad was naturally upset and tried to get me some help. Jeff was getting good grades and in his senior year, began to work at the plant. My drinking and drug problems got worse and I began to skip a lot of classes.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 27, 2014

what's behind door number 2 page 4

what's behind door number 2 page 4 by ric Gustafson

" Let's play what's behind door number 2". Russell smiled as he opened his bible to Revelation 3:20. " I stand at the door and knock, he who hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him". He pointed at the stage. " Sara, do you see two doors up on stage?".
Sara glanced at the large stage. " Yes, I do".
" Door number 1, represented by the man in white who is waving at you, is a symbol of this bible verse".
" A symbol of what" she exclaimed with a confused look on her face. " I'm not a Christian nor do I read the bible".
" Sara, door number 1 represents our heart and Jesus simply asks that we knock and he will come in and be with us".
" Russell, I believe in a higher being but not the God you talk about".
" Sara, it's a simple free gift he offers". He smiled at her. " He simply wants our heart to knock and he will come in and be with us".  " Or" he said sadly as he pointed at the stage. " There is door number 2".
" So what choices does God give me?".
" Sara, it's very simple there is door number 1 which is eternal life or there is door number 2". He grinned at her. " You have five minutes to decide".
Clock music began to play.
Sara studied both doors.
After five minutes, the music stopped.
" Sara, have you made a decision?".
" Yes Russell, I have".
" And what is your decision?".
She stared at the two doors and then looked at Russell. " Russell, even though Jesus's offer sounds simple I will take door number 2".
" This is your final decision".
" Yes, it is".
Russell frowned. He turned to a page that was right behind him. " Roger, will you please lead Sara to door number 2".
The young assistant led the young college student onto the stage to a man in red who was standing near the door.
With a broad grin, the man in red led Sara through the heavy curtain of door number 2.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz page 11

Oz page 11 by ric Gustafson

MGM released fifty two films in 1939. The studio set the gold standard for Hollywood production companies. The studio prided itself on movies of the highest quality. Of all the movies that year only one has achieved special status. That film is the Wizard of Oz.
The Wizard of Oz represented studio and system collaboration at it's highest form. Screenplay, direction, actor's performances, cinematography, art direction, sets, costumes, makeup, special effects, the music and dancing all meshed perfectly together.
The film was 35mm film stock spooled on reels and later onto 16mm. So why has this simple film captivated us and thrilled us for so many decades and generations. Many reasons abound.
One reason could be that this simple film has come and transported us the viewers to a fabulous place. A place that suits our wishes and needs. Some suggest that this film is art that the music, dialogue and we want to know what happens next. Some believe that the film celebrates Christian values such as kindness, mercy and helping others. Some people believe that emotions play a big role in the popularity of the film. Emotions such as love, longing, friendship and responsibility.
The film drew large audiences when it was released but lost money for MGM in the beginning. Things changed over the decades as more people discovered the film and color TV's were introduced.
The Wizard of Oz has become a film institution.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz FAQ' by David J Hogan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Bus 203 page 5

Bus 203 page 5 by ric Gustafson

A member of the Jewish Brigade asked Simon Wiesenthal if he had heard of an Adolf Eichmann. Wiesenthal looked through his files but could not find much. He only had a last name and that he was a lieutenant colonel.
Wiesenthal in June of 1945 welcome American soldiers as they liberated Mauthausen. He collapsed because he weighed only ninety seven pounds. The camps had killed most of his family including his mother. After gaining back his health, he asked the American led War Crimes Unit if he could help them track down some of those responsible for the war crimes. They said yes and he gathered ninety one names and the description of their crimes.
Because of information Wiesenthal gathered together about Eichmann, OSS agents found Eichmann's father. He admitted his son was Adolf Eichmann but that he knew nothing of his wartime actions. He admitted that his son had three boys and that his wife was Vera Liebl. The agents demanded a picture of their son but the father could not come up with one. His son did not like being photographed.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

what's behind door number 2 page 3

what's behind door number 2 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Reginald leaned into the microphone. " And now the game show where you have to make a choice". His voice hesitated. " What's behind door number 2?".
Total silence.
" And now your host Russell Oldeborg".
" Thank you Reg" Russell replied as he stepped out from behind a heavy purple curtain. " And welcome to a very unique game show". He pointed around the empty studio. " This is a game show with no audience". He looked seriously into the camera. " But the implications of this show are very important for all of eternity". He smiled. " Let's meet our first contestant".
" She is a bank teller from Forest Park Maine". His voice hesitated. " Please welcome Sara Lockhart".
A young woman walked out from behind the curtain and quietly walked down the studio steps.
Russell pointed to a chair near him. " Welcome Sara".
She nervously sat down. " Thank you Russell".
" Sara, please tell us a little bit about yourself".
" I'm a senior at Forest Park College and I work part time as a bank teller".
" Are you ready to play the game?".
She nervously began to play with her hair. " Yes, I am".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

what's behind door number 2 page 2

what's behind door number 2 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rita put touchup on Russell's face. " Mr Oldeborg, can you tell me again how you got the idea for the show?".
" Sure". He smiled at the young makeup girl. " I came to LA as a young Christian actor and an idea for a Christian game show began to evolve in my mind".
Just then, Reginald walked in and sat down next to Russell. " Hello everyone".
Russell smiled at his announcer. " I started going to Oak Village Lutheran Church and there became friends with a Hollywood game show producer".
Reginald grinned. " And the rest is history".
Russell smiled. " And the rest is history".
Just then, the door opened to reveal Robert the Producer. " Have a great show".
" Thanks Robert". Russell closed his eyes and prayed to God for a good show. He stood up and walked toward the door. " Ready Reg".
On a nearby wall, a sign flashed ' Showtime'.
" Let's do it". Both men smiled and walked through the studio door.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

what's behind door number 2 page 1

what's behind door number 2 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Russell Oldeborg walked quietly into the conference room.
Several studio executives were sitting around a large wooden table.
" Come on in Russell" Robert Bridge replied. He pointed toward an empty seat. " Please have a seat".
" Robert, why did you ask for me?".
He handed Russell a piece of paper. " Russell, the studio is concerned about your drop in the ratings".
" Robert, our show is number 1 in it's time slot".
" But not in the most important category".
" Robert, which category is that?".
" The 20 to 30 category".
Russell stared at his boss. " What are you saying Robert?".
" Russell, your show needs to grab more of that age group or we will have to make changes".
" What do you mean changes?".
" Russell, the ratings need to improve greatly". He hesitated. " Otherwise, we will be forced to make major changes".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bus 203 page 4

Bus 203 page 4 by ric Gustafson

Adolf Eichmann wanted to get back to Bavaria. He tried to cross the border but was stopped by American soldiers. They noticed the black tattoo under Eichmann's left arm. They knew that he was part of the SS. He was taken to a well guarded detention camp. When he was interrogated, he said that his name was Otto Eckmann and that he was a second lieutenant in the 22nd Waffen SS Cavalry Division. In late June 1945, Eichmann was moved to a camp fifty miles east of Nuremberg.
So far, being in the background as far as his work and never being photographed was paying off.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 21, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 9

my next door neighbor Skip page 9 by ric Gustafson

Archie opened his eyes to see that he was in a hospital bed. He wondered how long he had been there. He tried to lift his head but could not because it throbbed. He noticed that his forehead was bandaged.  He looked to his left to see his wife and two sons standing next to the bed. " What happened?".
" You were in a car accident". She stroked his hand. " The doctor said you were lucky to just have a slight concussion and scrapes and bruises".
Archie touched his forehead. " My head hurts".
" You hit your head on the steering wheel". Edna smiled at her husband. " You rest a while". She kissed him on the cheek. " The boys and I are going down to the cafeteria to get something to eat".
After the family had left the room, Archie closed his eyes to rest. He opened them when he heard a soft knock on the door.
A middle aged man entered the room. " Sorry to bother you". He stopped at the bed. " I heard about your accident and wanted to see how you were doing".
Archie did not recognize him. " Who are you?".
" I'm John Bosler your next door neighbor".
" My next door neighbor" Archie replied loudly as he gave him a strange look. " Where's Skip?".
" I don't know a Skip" he replied as he scratched his chin. " I'm gone on business a lot and have not had time to properly introduce myself". " We'll I'd better get going" he said as he glanced at his watch. " I will pray that you heal quickly". After he left, Archie began to cry. He realized that Skip
was a guardian angel and had been protecting himself and his family.
He closed his eyes and prayed. " I'm so sorry God". More tears rolled down his face. As he prayed, an answer from God came. As he rested in his bed, peace came into his heart.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bus 203 page 3

Bus 203 page 3 by ric Gustafson

When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller assigned Adolf Eichmann to run the Central Office for Jewish Emigration. His first assignment was to resettle 500,000 Poles to make room for ethnic Germans. In late summer 1941, his boss Heydrich told him that Hitler had ordered the physical extermination of the Jewish people. The slaughter of Soviet Jews had already been decided and now Hitler wanted European Jews to have the same fate.
On January 20 1942 in a southwest Berlin suburb called Wannsee, the plan for the destruction of European Jews was finalized. 11 million European Jews were targeted for extermination

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my next door neighbor Skip page 8

my next door neighbor Skip page 8 by ric Gustafson

Archie sat down in his plush brown office chair, turned on some quiet music and closed his eyes to relax. The meeting with a new client was long and he was now very tired. He opened his cell phone and dialed a number. " Hi honey". He yawned. " I'm going to start for home now".
" Be careful" Edna replied. " I hear it's getting pretty icy out there".
Archie put his coat on and walked out to their Caravan. He started it and then began to try and scrape the ice off of it. Because of the icy roads, he decided to take the Interstate home. As he pulled out of the parking lot, he turned on the radio loudly so he could stay awake.
As he turned onto the entrance ramp for the Interstate, he could tell the road was very icy. Even with the minivan going only fifteen miles an hour, he was already starting to fishtail. As he fishtailed, Archie tried to push hard on the steering wheel to try and straighten it out. As the minivan began to spin around on the ice, Archie could see lights on both sides of it.
Archie could see the minivan spinning toward a large guardrail. " God, save me". Seconds before the minivan hit the guardrail, Archie saw a young man wearing a baseball cap standing between the guardrail and the minivan. " Skip".
The Caravan hit the guardrail hard. Archie's glasses flew off his head and he could feel his head hitting the steering wheel. Then all went black.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 19, 2014

Bus 203 page 2

Bus 203 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Adolf Eichmann walked west toward Salzburg. He did this for several days until he was caught by an American patrol. He told the soldiers that his name was Corporal Adolf Barth. He was a brought to a hastily erected camp where he escaped that very night. He made it to Salzburg where he hid out for a few days.
Eichmann was raised in Linz Austria by a father who was a middle class manager. Linz was also Hitler's hometown. Eichmann joined the Nazi party in 1932 and enlisted in the SD. He joined the Jewish affairs office and began to study Zionism. He traveled to Palestine in 1937 and then became the SD expert on Jewish affairs.
In 1938, Eichmann arrived in Vienna when Germany occupied Austria. He was sent by the SD to deal with the Austrian Jews. He arrested key Jewish leaders and organized the emigration of the Jewish population. For this he was promoted to First Lieutenant. Then he was sent to Czechoslovakia.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my next door neighbor Skip page 7

my next door neighbor Skip page 7 by ric Gustafson

Edna got into the Ferris wheel car seat. The ride worker waited to see if anyone else was getting on. When no one else did, he put the protective strap on her. He smiled. " Have a fun ride". He turned the button on. It made a funny noise as it started slowly. As it went around faster, Edna smiled because of the fun she was having.
As she reached the top, the engine again made a funny noise. The green generator made a final noise and then quit. Edna was at the very top of the ride.
The wind began to swing the chair and Edna became very scared. " Archie". She closed her eyes. " Dear Jesus, help me".
Rod and Thomas were walking back from the bumper cars. Rod looked and then pointed toward the Ferris wheel. " The ride's stopped and Mom's at the top". They ran toward the ride. Just then, Thomas pointed toward the front of the ride. " Look there's the man with the Angel cap".
Archie heard the commotion and then ran toward the ride. As he reached the entrance to the ride, he heard the generator come back on. The Ferris wheel began to go around again. When it reached the bottom, the ride worker unstrapped Edna and she ran into her husband's loving arms. " Archie, I was scared". Tears ran down from her scared eyes. " I yelled for you and then prayed to Jesus to save me".
Archie looked at the ride worker. " What happened?".
" After I heard the generator stop, I ran over to it". He hesitated. " Then I saw a young man with an Angel cap on". " With my own eyes, I saw him touch the generator and then it came back on". He grinned at Archie. " I tried to thank him but he had already left".
Archie was dumbfounded with the events that had just happened.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bus 203 page 1

Bus 203 page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was May 8 1945 and Adolf Eichmann had just come home to tell his wife Vera and his sons goodbye. He had just learned that Grand Admiral Karl Donitz who was acting as German head of state had just agreed to an unconditional surrender. Just across the mountain, he knew that Allied troops would soon be arriving.
Wearing a camouflage uniform and a machine gun, he walked to the lake where his family lived. It was a small chalet that overlooked the water. He did not have much time for goodbyes. During the war, he had spent a lot of time away from his wife and sons. He had met Veronika Liebl when he was a twenty five year old traveling salesman for an oil company. He tried to impress her riding a ruby red motorcycle. They married in 1935 but his work in the SS kept him away for long stretches of time. He did not have gold and foreign currency hidden like some of his SS comrades.
When he reached home, he gave his wife and sons cyanide capsules just in case. He loved his sons very much. Klaus was nine, Horst was five and little Dieter was three.
After a short goodbye, Eichmann walked away as quickly as he had come

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Oz page 10

Oz page 10 by ric Gustafson

On November 10 1938, the Culver City Hotel became a very busy place. One hundred and twenty four little people descended on the hotel. They were hired to play the Munchkins in the Wizard of Oz. They were from all over the country, small towns and big cities. They were excited to be there partly because many had never seen another small person like themselves before.
The Munchkin actors and actresses were paid $ 50 a week which was a decent wage at that time. In 1997, surviving Munchkins gathered at the Culver City Hotel for a reunion.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

is there anything in that bag for me?

Is there anything in that bag for me? by ric Gustafson

Roland walked up to the guard who was standing next to Santa. " I was just upstairs talking to your co worker".
" Yes, the guard of Chaos" he said with a smile. " He's been having a busy day".
Roland noticed children on Santa's knee whispering into his ear. " What are those children doing?".
" Telling Santa what they would like for Christmas".
" Christmas, bah humbug". He walked and stopped behind the last child in line. " I'm going to tell Santa what I really feel about Christmas". He watched as the last little girl got on Santa's lap. She whispered into Santa's ear. He smiled, reached into his red bag and handed her a Barbie.
Roland walked up to Santa. It looked like Santa's red bag was empty. He stared at Santa. " Is there anything in that bag for me?".
Santa smiled, reached into his bag and pulled out a small box. He handed him the box. " Merry Christmas Roland".
Santa smiled, got up from his chair, picked up his now empty red bag, and walked away.
On Christmas Eve, Roland opened his small gift from Santa. " Christmas presents, bah humbug".
" Don't be such a Scrooge" Vera replied. " What did Santa give you?".
He opened the box and took out a card. " It's just a card".
" What does it say?".
" It says God loves me".
Later that night, Roland contemplated the gift he had received from Santa.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 14, 2014

me and my automobile page 8

me and my automobile page 8 by ric Gustafson

Walter Owen Bentley worked in a railway workshop. In 1912, he sold and repaired French cars. In 1919, he founded his own car works. Bentley's first wife died of influenza in 1919. His second wife Audrey was a society girl who hated factories. Bentley was a workaholic who suffered from occasional depression. Starting in 1925, Bentley's cars got bigger and bigger.
The person who put GM on the map was Billy Durant. After WWI, GM's stock share plummeted. Durant bought up GM stock and borrowed money. In 1921, Durant started his own car company and financed it with GM stock. Durant died in 1947.
By 1923, Ford's Model T sales were declining. In 1927, Ford switched and began producing the Model A. Ford plants had to shut down for a time to switch tools and their assembly line. Ford's son Edsel developed the Lincoln brand. Edsel authorized the creation of the 1936 Lincoln Zephyr.
Walter P Chrysler was born in 1875. He started working as a locomotive engineer. He left GM in 1920 and took $1.5 million in stock options. He took over the Maxwell Motor Company plant in 1921. His first car design was the Chrysler Six in 1924.
The Chrysler Corporation was formed in 1925.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 13, 2014

the ghost of Gettysburg page 4

the ghost of Gettysburg page 4 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost. I am standing at a natural spring that is at the southern end of Culp's Hill. Spangler's Spring became a spot of heavy fighting. The fighting was fierce among the trees and boulders across from Spangler's Springs and the base of Culp's Hill.
As you start up Culp's Hill, the first stonewall you come to is where the First Maryland stood it's ground against relentless Confederate attacks.
Culp's Hill and Spangler's Spring is hallow ground.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

me and my automobile page 7

me and my automobile page 7 by ric Gustafson

After WWI, for car makers it was a time of boom and bust. Sir Herbert Austin introduced a small car in Britain. The Austin Seven was a small car that appealed to women. A version called the Ruby was designed for a female market. Austin was no businessman and relied on small profits and a high volume of sales. By 1932, the Austin Seven had become the Model T of Europe. By 1939, it was Britain's best selling auto.
By 1939 in France, Renault and Citroen were becoming major automakers. Renault's cars had live axles and his transmissions were the industry standard. Renault's rival was Citroen. He was warm, generous and enthusiastic about his cars. Citroen's family originated in Holland. In 1919, he started his own car company. That same year, he built Europe's first car assembly line. His first production was called the Type A Tourer. It was the first low priced car to have an electric starter and lighting. In 1934, he built the Avant. This was the first front wheel drive steel production car. It sported a gear change in the dashboard, umbrella handbrake control and front bench seats.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Chaos and Peace

Chaos and Peace by ric Gustafson

Roland watched as shoppers ran by him. " Christmas shopping". He stared at them. " Bah Humbug". He noticed a mall security guard coming toward him. Then he noticed what was on his badge. " Your badge says that you are the guard of Chaos".
" I am" he replied as shoppers ran by him to get to the next store. " Today has been very chaotic around here".
" Why is that?".
" It's nice out and there is only two weeks before Christmas".
" Christmas" was his reply as he watched children running toward the toy store. " Bah Humbug".
The guard yawned. " I'm tired and my partner is downstairs helping Santa next to the Starbucks".
" The guard of Peace".
" Peace" Roland exclaimed loudly. " There is no peace in this world". He stared down below. " I have a notion to go down there and talk to this guard".
" I need to go" the guard replied as she looked at his watch. " The guard of Peace is just down the escalator next to Starbucks". He smiled. " Where Santa is".
" Santa, humbug".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 12, 2014

me and my automobile page 6

me and my automobile page 6 by ric Gustafson

Ransom Eli Olds was a pioneer American car maker. In 1892, Olds was selling gasoline engines to customers in the US and Britain. His first buggy powered by one of his engines was so popular that Samuel L Smith invested in Olds new Motor Company. In 1902, the company produced a 4 hp vehicle with a curved dashboard. Olds began calling his cars Oldsmobiles and became part of Durant's General Motors in 1908. Olds died in 1950 and four years later his company declared bankruptcy.
Across the Atlantic, there were British auto pioneers. Frederick Lanchester's cars were a cut above everyone else. His cars rode smoothly, were well built and were more reliable. They were spacious. Lanchester was no businessman. His first car company went bankrupt in 1905. In 1913, he produced aircraft engines during WWI.
Herbert Austin developed a three wheel 2hp vehicle which was one of the first cars in Britain. Austin built a plant in Birmingham England. He was becoming a household name as far as small cars.
F H Royce and Charles Rolls met on May 4 1904 and became partners. Their first car design was unveiled in December 1904. It was built for lightness, speed and quality. In 1908, their factory was built in Derby. Rolls loved flying and died in a crash in July 1910.
After the Model T, the most famous car in the world before WWI was the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 11, 2014

the 99 cent devotional

the 99 cent devotional by ric Gustafson

Vera stopped at the rack. " Roland, look at these small devotionals". She showed him one. " And they are only 99 cents".
Roland picked it up. " Devotionals, bah".
" Don't be such a Scrooge" she said as she took several out of the rack. " My bible study group would love these as stocking stuffers".
" Bible study" he said with a sneer. " Bah Humbug".
She walked up to the register and took some money out of her purse. " Don't be such a grump". After the sale, she put the change into her purse. " Roland, I'm going up to JC Penney".
" Shopping, humbug".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

me and my automobile page 5

me and my automobile page 5 by ric Gustafson

In 1911, William Durant and Louis Chevrolet started a factory in Detroit to manufacture a new high priced car. Louis Chevrolet was a huge man with a moustache. He was Swiss by birth and was a son of a watchmaker. In 1900, Chevrolet emigrated to Montreal to work as a mechanic. In 1905, he was hired by Fiat as a race driver. At the same time, he was designing his own engine. In 1911, he and Durant formed the Chevrolet Motor Car Company. Their first success was the Classic 6.
Durant began to buy up GM stock and bought out shareholders. Chevrolet moved back to France in the summer of 1913 and then Durant moved the plant to Flint. When Chevrolet came back, he heard what Durant had done and resigned. In 1915, Chevrolet sold all of his stock shares to Durant. In 1917, Durant folded the business into General Motors and made Chevrolet it's largest division.

research help: ' The Life of the Automobile' by Steven Parissien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

the ghost of Gettysburg page 3

the ghost of Gettysburg page 3 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost. I am standing in an open field near a farm called the Bliss Farm. It was here on this hallow ground that heavy fighting occurred on July 2 1863.
Four Mississippi regiments of General Richard Andersen's division fought Union forces near Little Round Top and the Devil's Den. Union forces had control of the Bliss Farmhouse and Barn until they were pushed back by Posey's Brigade.
General Ambrose Wright's Georgia Brigade had fought to within 100 yards of the crest of Cemetery Ridge which would of changed the outcome of the entire battle. Just as the victory was in sight, General Wright noticed that Posey's brigade was not supporting him on his right but was falling back toward Bliss Farm. The attack failed.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas Glory: the birth of Jesus

Christmas Glory: the birth of Jesus by ric Gustafson

That night was just an ordinary night. The sky and clouds were ordinary. The sheep and shepherds were ordinary.
She was probably thirteen or fourteen. The angel's visit surprised her. She wondered to herself how could I have a child when I have been with no man. She did not ask for a sign. She inquired how God was going to perform this miracle. The angel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her. The angel also told her that her relative Elizabeth would also give birth to a son in her old age. The angel told Mary that with God nothing is impossible.

research help: ' The Glory of Christmas' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

the last $ 2.06 of Roland Buras

the last $ 2.06 of Roland Buras by ric Gustafson

" I hate Christmas shopping" Roland Buras said loudly as he pulled into an empty parking stall. " It took twenty minutes to find this parking spot". He stared at his wife. " Bah Humbug".
" Don't be such a Scrooge" Vera Buras replied quietly as she waited for him to turn off the Tahoe. She unbuckled her seat belt. " You promised you would go Christmas shopping with me".
" Bah Humbug". They got out of the Tahoe and began to walk toward the front door of the food court.
She noticed a red kettle near the front door. " Roland, do you have any change on you?".
" Yes, about $ 2.06" he said as they reached the kettle. " Why?".
A young woman smiled as she rang a little bell. " Merry Christmas".
Vera smiled and then stopped at the kettle. " Roland, put your change in".
" What!" he said out loud. " I need that change".
" Roland, don't be a Scrooge" was her reply. " Put it in".
" Bah" he said with a sneer as he reached into a pants pocket and took out some change. He threw the change into the kettle. He opened the front door. " Humbug".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the ghost of Gettysburg page 2

the ghost of Gettysburg page 2 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost. Right now I am standing on hallow ground. This is Seminary Ridge and it was the site of fierce fighting on the first day of this battle. It was on this spot that General John Buford's Cavalry Corps First Division held off Confederate forces of Henry Heth.
I can see the Lutheran Theological Seminary as it sits on it's crest. Here in it's cupola General Buford assessed the situation ahead of him and had to make a critical decision. His badly outnumbered cavalry were holding off Confederate forces to the north. His decision to hold the position enabled troops from General Reynolds I Corps to arrive and secure their position.
The actions of General Buford on that first day of battle saved the Union and our history.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 8, 2014

the ghost of Gettysburg page 1

the ghost of Gettysburg page 1 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost and today is July 1 1863. Soldiers of General Robert E Lee's Army of Northern Virginia were heading toward a small town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. Their was a need for shoes for their soldiers who often marched barefoot. When troops of General Henry Heth arrived, they found cavalry of General John Buford already dug in. A battle at Herr's Ridge began and Buford's men held the ground until more Union forces arrived under General John Reynolds.
A Confederate force came down the Chambersburg Pike was repulsed but at great cost to the Union First Corps. The Confederate Second Corps under General Richard Ewell attacked from the north and General Robert Rodes attacking from Oak Hill. General Jubal Early's division attacked the Union's Eleventh Corps and crushed the left flank of the Union line. The Union's First Corps fell back to Seminary Ridge because they were under attack from General Dorsey Pender's division.
The Confederate attack was so heavy the entire Union army retreated through the town to their defensive position on Cemetery Hill. General Ewell did not continue the attack.
On this day, 12,000 Union soldiers were killed or taken prisoner. Killed or taken prisoner for the Confederate forces was 6,500.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Numbers 6: 24-26

Numbers 6: 24-26 by ric Gustafson

The Lord bless you-  Praise the Lord because he gives us blessings known and unknown, more blessings than we could ever thank him for.

The Lord keep you-  You can be assured that no matter what happens in life, the Lord is always beside you holding your hand and guiding you through life.

The Lord make his face shine on you-  The Lord's face is always smiling on us even though we sin and stumble and fall. He picks us up and never gives up on us.

The Lord be gracious to you-  The Lord gives us so  much, more than we will ever know and blesses us more than we could ever thank him for.

The Lord lift up his countenance on you-  The Lord gives us everything we need now, in the future and we know that he will provide for us.

The Lord gives us peace-  Peace of mind, Peace of the soul,  Peace for evermore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 5, 2014

Operation Paperclip page 2

Operation Paperclip page 2 by ric Gustafson

On December 9 1944 in the dark pine forest of Coesfeld Germany, a celebration was about to happen. In the forest was a eight hundred year old castle named Varlar. For centuries, the castle had been a monastery for Benedictine monks. On this cold December night, the grounds of the castle were being used for a different purpose.
Army technicians were making final adjustments to portable rocket launch pads. On each stood a missile. The V-2 rocket was the most advanced flying weapon ever created. It was 46 feet long and carried a warhead with 2,000 pounds of explosives in it's nose cone. It could travel a distance of 190 miles at speeds of up to five times the speed of sound. It's earlier version the V-1 flying bomb had been raining down terror on cities across Northern Europe and England especially London. The V-2 was faster and more fearsome. No Allied fighter could shoot it down from the sky because of it's altitude and the speed of it's descent. It was terrifying when it crashed into a population center. The explosion spread up to twenty miles. Hitler had always boasted of these secret weapons.
Cities in Northern Europe and England braced for other so called Nazi secret weapons.

research help: ' Operation Paperclip' by Annie Jacobsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Operation Paperclip page 1

Operation Paperclip page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was November 1944 and Strasbourg France was just liberated by the Second French Armored Division. In an apartment in the center of town, particle physicist Samuel Goudsmit was searching through files. The apartment belonged to German virus expert Dr Eugen Haagen. Haagen was a key developer of the Nazi biological weapons program. Haagen had fled the apartment days before and Goudsmit and his colleagues were studying his documents.
Goudsmit and his unit were hunting for Nazi science under the codename Alsos. As they kept studying the files, they hit pay dirt. Haagen had written to a colleague Dr August Hirt that he was conducting medical experiments on prisoners. Haagen was one of Germany's leading men of medicine. Goudsmit began to look for other top names who corresponded with Haagen. Two top names were noticed right away. Dr Kurt Blome who was the deputy surgeon general of the Third Reich and Surgeon General Walter Schreiber. Both of these men were internationally renowned physicians before Hitler came to power.

research help: ' Operation Paperclip' by Annie Jacobsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my next door neighbor Skip page 6

my next door neighbor Skip page 6 by ric Gustafson

Archie and his wife Edna were sitting on a wooden park bench eating ice cream cones. They were watching their two sons enjoying the carnival games. They enjoyed attending the county fair and this year was no different.
Edna noticed the huge Ferris wheel. " Archie, would you like to go on the Ferris wheel with me?".
" No thanks" he replied as he glanced to see where the boys were. " You go ahead".
" Ok, I'll be right back". She gave him a peck on the cheek and started walking toward the ride. She walked up to the ride's entrance.
A small greasy haired man put his hand out. " Five tickets please".
Edna gave him the tickets and patiently waited for the ride to stop. As she waited, she could hear that the green generator supplying the power for the ride was making a strange noise.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

followers of the star page 1

followers of the star page 1 by ric Gustafson

Reme stopped his horse and lifted a water skin to his mouth. He looked up and noticed the constellation Virgo. He knew then that he was heading in the right direction back to Ctesiphon.
Just then, he noticed something unusual. He noticed a bright light shining in the sky where he had never seen one before. He saw that the bright light was between the Great Bear, Bootes and the Virgin. The strange light was in an area of the sky known as Comah.
Reme breathed faster and his heart pounded. ' Was this a new star' he wondered to himself. Or was this just another planet. He knew he needed to get back home and investigate this new discovery. He patted his horse's neck. " Come on boy, let's go home".

research help: ' Magi' by Daniel Gilbert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 5

my next door neighbor Skip page 5 by ric Gustafson

Rod was a third of the way done mulching the leaves in the back yard. He had not noticed that one of his shoelaces had come undone.
Archie was on one side of the house washing off the house vinyl siding.
The young man heard a noise. He looked down in horror as he noticed that one of his feet was going under the mower blade because of a loose shoelace. " Help Dad" he screamed.
Archie heard his son yell for help. He dropped the garden hose and ran into the back yard. As he opened the gate and ran into the back yard, he heard the mower stop. He noticed Skip, who was wearing work out clothes and his Angel baseball cap, examining his son's foot.
" I was about to go jogging and I heard this young man screaming for help". He was examining the young man's foot. " I think his foot is going to be ok".
" Thank you Skip" he said as he looked at his son's foot. " You have my sincere gratitude".
" Glad I could help". He smiled at Archie. " What are neighbors for".
Archie checked his son's shoelaces to make sure that they were now tied. He looked up to see that his neighbor had already left. " Rod, what happened?".
" Dad, I yelled for you because my shoelace had come undone and I felt my foot going under the blade". He gave his father a scared look. " I was scared and did not know what to do". He stared at his father. " I felt a hand go on the mower and stop it".
" Who's hand went on the mower?".
" Our neighbor with the Angel ballcap". He started the mower to finish mulching the leaves/
Archie went back to hosing off the vinyl siding as he shook his head in bewilderment.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 4

my next door neighbor Skip page 4 by ric Gustafson

Archie finished tying up several grass and leaf bags and put them by the curb. He buttoned his fall coat and put on his stocking cap. It was already October and was starting to get cool out. He walked into the garage.
" Hi Dad" Rod Louk said as he walked out wearing a heavy sweatshirt and listening to a portable CD player. " Mom said you wanted me to mulch the rest of the leaves".
" Yes, it won't take long".
" That's good" he replied as he turned down the volume on his player. " I promised Mike I'd go bowling with him later this afternoon".
" I promise it won't take long". He handed his son a pair of brown work gloves. " It's all gassed up and ready to go".
All it took was three pulls for the tall lanky boy to start the mower. Since he was just mulching the leaves, the front lawn did not take long". He did not want his nice tennis shoes to get too green in the back yard, so he went back into the house to put on his other tennis shoes.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 1, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 3

my next door neighbor Skip page 3 by ric Gustafson

" I'm Archie Louk" he said as he shook the young man's hand. " That was my son Thomas you saved.
The young man tipped his ball cap. " I'm your next door neighbor". He smiled. " Everyone calls me Skip".
" Thank you again for what you did for my son". He shook his hand. " I won't forget it". He walked over and took out the mail from the mailbox. He glanced over to see that his neighbor had left already. He walked into the large kitchen, took a plate out of the cabinet and put some Oreo cookies on it. He put it down on the island and then poured two glasses of milk. He set those on the island along with two napkins. He opened the basement door. " Thomas, Oreo's and milk are ready".
" Alright!" his son exclaimed as he ran up the stairs and then sat down at the island.
" Thomas, what happened out there?".
" It was scary and neat at the same time". He grinned as he bit into an Oreo. " I was scared when the van started coming toward me". He took a sip of his milk. " It was scary and I screamed for you".
" I know" Archie replied as he hugged his son. " I ran out there as fast as I could". He bit into an Oreo. " Then what happened?".
" As I was screaming for you, a hand touched the van and it stopped right away".
" Who put his hand on the van to stop it?".
" The man with the Angel baseball cap". He finished his milk and wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " I'm all done, can I be excused?".
" Sure".
His son walked back down to the basement.
Archie sat at the island shaking his head in amazement.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fear: the fear of being inadequate

Fear: the fear of being inadequate by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we have thoughts of inadequacy. I am not capable, I cannot and I am not. Through God's Word, I can do anything God wants me to do. We cannot go against God's will. God assures us that he will provide everything we need for the task. If it is God's will for us, we can proceed with the plan.
To be inadequate is a way of saying that we are afraid of failure. Inadequacy steals our confidence. A fear of failure keeps us from enjoying life. One symptom of fear is anxiety. God wants us to believe in ourselves. God equips us with gifts, abilities and talents.
Inadequacy can put our life on hold.

research help: ' Living Courageously' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fear: the fear of not being wanted

Fear: the fear of not being wanted by ric Gustafson

We were created for healthy connections and their is a part of us that craves it. We want to be wanted and loved. When we feel unwanted, we feel that something is wrong with us. God wants to restore your life and make it wonderful. He knocks at our heart and simply wants to come in. God will heal our lives but it is a process. When we are hurting, we need to pray and pour out our heart to God.
We were designed and created by God for acceptance and not rejection. God gives us the acceptance and we need to receive it by faith.
Ephesians 1:4 says that we were chosen by God before the foundation of the world.
We should not feel rejected or unwanted because Jesus loves us and will never abandon us.

research help: ' Living Courageously' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

my next door neighbor Skip page 2

my next door neighbor Skip page 2 by ric Gustafson

Archie Louk opened the hood of the Dodge Neon and started to look at the windshield washer fluid. He and his wife Edna had come to Bay City to get away from the frantic pace of nearby Seattle. He enjoyed checking their two vehicles to make sure they ran as well as possible.
He looked up to check on his six year old son. He was riding his new bike around the long narrow sloping driveway. " Thomas, stay in the driveway and away from the street".
" Yes Dad".
There was silence.
" Dad" shrieked his son as if it came from behind their Dodge Caravan.
Horror came across Archie's face as he watched their van slowly moving backwards down the narrow driveway. He ran toward the back of the van. As he reached it, the van stopped. His son ran into his arms.
From behind the van, a young man walked up wearing a baseball cap that said ' Angel'.
" Hi". He smiled and shook Archie's hand. " I ran over when I saw the van heading toward the young boy:.
" Thank you for saving my son".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 1

my next door neighbor Skip page 1 by ric Gustafson

The young man sat down on the brown park bench and opened his lunch sack. He took out a meatball sandwich and began to eat it. He smiled as he watched children playing at the nearby playground.
" Hello Skip".
He turned to see an older gentleman, who was wearing a white polo shirt and light colored shorts, sitting down next to him. " Hi Bruno, I was watching the children playing over there".
He reached into a sack and pulled out a ham on wheat Subway sandwich. He took a bite. " The boss loves children".
Skip took a bite of a chocolate chip cookie. " Bruno, why are you here?".
The older gentleman wiped his mouth with a napkin. " First of all, he was very pleased with your last assignment".
Skip smiled. " Be sure and tell him thanks".
" Skip, the boss has another assignment for you".
" I just finished an assignment" he said in a tired voice as he threw the empty sack into a trash can. " What's the assignment?".
" Helping a husband who lives nearby". He stood up and threw his now empty sack into the trash can. " Good luck Skip". He quickly walked away.
Skip smiled as he watched the children having fun.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fear: the fear of losing control

Fear: the fear of losing control by ric Gustafson

The fear of losing control is worrying that if you cannot control the outcome of future events something unpleasant or terrible might happen. This fear causes stress, health problems and steals our peace and joy. God's ways are not our ways. Proverbs 3:6 encourages us to acknowledge God in all of our ways. God wants us to follow his plan for our lives not ours. God will try to guide us but he won't force us to do the right thing. We want certainty but we live in a world of uncertainty. Certainty makes us feel safe. We are safe with God but we must learn to believe it and trust him.
Even when life hurts, God wants us to trust him. Life won't change so we must change. We must expect the unexpected and let God control it.
God will take care of us always if we lose control of our lives and let God take care of us.

research help: ' Living Courageously' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fear: the fear of lack

Fear: the fear of lack by ric Gustafson

We want to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. When we feel that we are not being taken care of, fear can fill our thoughts, words and emotions. As a believer in Jesus, instead we can put our faith in God to meet all of our needs. God is faithful and he will always provide what we need. God wants us to take a step of faith. Matthew 25:21 says if we are faithful in little things God can make us rulers over much.
We need to trust God and he will always take care of us. Not only can we lack money but also strength, ability, wisdom and relationships. God's Word teaches us that he will provide all that we will need. We need to trust God for grace, wisdom, creativity and strength. Psalm 23 says that the Lord is our Shepherd  and we shall not lack. John 10 says that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that he takes care of his sheep.
We should not fear lack because God our Father will always provide what we need.

research help: ' Living Courageously' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through preparation

God's Glory: revealed through preparation by ric Gustafson

It is the church's responsibility to roll out the red carpet for Jesus on earth. There needs to be a voice to cause people to stop and notice. We need to prepare the way for Jesus. When we prepare a way for Jesus, it shows how much we adore him.
In Ephesians 5:27 it says to present the church to himself in splendor. Jesus is our true King and he holds all the power over heaven and earth. We need to prepare for Jesus's return. We need to carry the Great Commission to all the world.
God's Glory is revealed through preparation for God's Son Jesus to return.

The End

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 24, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through conversion

God's Glory: revealed through conversion by ric Gustafson

According to various statistics, church attendance is on the decline. There have been pockets of growth despite the trends. Some people focus on church buildings and not Jesus. We need the presence of God now. In the Bible, Jesus allowed signs and wonders to reveal his power to people. Jesus used physical conversion to parallel eternal conversion. Jesus's first conversion was turning water into wine.
Jesus is a powerful God. He brought attention and glory everywhere he went. He made dead people alive, healed blind men's eyes, turned water into wine. People need the real power of Jesus.
God's glory is revealed through the converting power of Jesus.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oz page 9

Oz page 9 by ric Gustafson

According to an Oz legend, actor Frank Morgan wore an old coat worn by L Frank Baum. Morgan started his career in the silent film era. By the late 1930's, he was an MGM veteran with an Oscar nomination. Because he was willing to take on several roles in one film, he was a perfect fit for the Wizard of Oz, Professor Marvel, the Coachman and the Gatekeeper. After Oz, Morgan became one of the grand old men of MGM.
Morgan passed away in 1950 while he was filming ' Annie Get Your Gun'.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through power

God's Glory: revealed through power by ric Gustafson

When Jesus walked from place to place, crowds followed him. When Jesus healed the paralytic in Luke 5, a large crowd gathered. Jesus used his power to draw crowds and to get people's attention. That way, they could see his power and believe. Through his power, Jesus's glory was revealed. When the crowds saw his miracles, they went back to their villages and told others. Jesus's power showed that what was impossible for man is possible with God.
God's Glory is revealed through his wonderful power.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Giants: fighting your fear

Giants: fighting your fear by ric Gustafson

We do not know what is around the bend. Fear is a part of the fabric of living. God equipped us with it so we can protect ourselves from the unexpected. Fear shackles us and keeps us from doing the routine things of life.
Fear disregards God's plan. God's promises are near but we will never claim them if fear dominates our life. Fear distorts God's purposes. Fear distorts our view of things and robs us of our perspective. Fear brings out the worst in us. Fear discourages God's people. Fear is contagious and takes away our courage. Fear disbelieves God's promises. Fear disobeys God's principles.
To confront the giant of fear we need to confront our fear honestly. We need to understand what is at the root of our fears. We need to confess our fear as sin. We need to come to God in honest confession. Then we need to repent, turn and then walk away. We need to claim God's promises of protection. We need to cultivate a closer relationship with God. Lastly, we need to commit our life to Jesus Christ. The ultimate fear is death. On Calvary, Jesus broke the power of death.
God says fear not because he is victorious.

research help: ' Slaying the Giants in your life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through exclusivity

God's Glory: revealed through exclusivity by ric Gustafson

Jesus is exclusive, there is only one God. God's Word is exclusive because it makes one thing perfectly clear. There is only one God and Jesus is the only way to salvation. The Bible states that there are no other Gods and there is no other Savior. Acts 4:12 states that there is no salvation in no one else.
John 14:6 says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me. Romans 10:13 says for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 21, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through inability

God's Glory: revealed through inability by ric Gustafson

We are human and we make mistakes. The book of Jude in the Bible is only one chapter. Jude was the brother of James and half brother of Jesus. He wrote the letter to the first believers and warning them about false teachers.
In this world, we control nothing. We cannot control the weather, wars or the stock market. God is the only one who can keep us on an even keel. Only God can keep us safe. God wants us to be totally dependent on him. God alone has the power to keep us safe.
God wants us to put our trust in him and live a life of obedience. We cannot put our security in marriage, our children, our job or our future. Our security, future and peace can only come from the one true God who loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 20, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through prophecy

God's Glory: revealed through prophecy by ric Gustafson

There were lots of prophets of old. One of them was a man named Isaiah. He prophesied in detail the crucifixion of Jesus. Prophecy comes from God given revelation. Isaiah is the most celebrated of all of God's prophets. He was born in Judah under the rule of four different kings. God uses prophecy to allow events of the past build bridges to events of the future.
Out of 2500 prophecies in the Bible, 2000 have come true. King David and the prophet Zechariah also had a prophecy of Jesus's death on a cross.
Prophecy in Scripture proves as evidence that the Bible is truth that stands the test of time. God's Word has always been accurate and always will be.
God's Glory is revealed through prophecy in his Word.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Oz page 8

Oz page 8 by ric Gustafson

One of the most enduring movie villains of all time is The Wicked Witch of the West played by Margaret Hamilton. Hamilton was a kindergarten teacher who got her first break as an actress in 1932. She spent the next few years in films under directors such as Frank Capra, Fritz Lang and Bushby Berkeley.
Gale Sondergaard was originally picked to play the Witch but had to bow out. Hamilton got the role. In her first scene filmed, the trap door failed to open so she could leave Munchkinland. Her costume caught fire and she suffered burns to her face and hands. It took several weeks for her to recuperate and return to the set.
Even though her total time on screen lasted just ten minutes, that small amount of time made a mark on generations of Oz viewers.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through the cross

God's Glory: revealed through the cross by ric Gustafson

Isaiah 53:5 involves me. It's about my sins and through Jesus's wounds, I am healed. I deserve death but God substituted his Son to pay the price for me. Every day we need to remember Jesus's sacrifice for us.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus went to pray with his disciples. He knew what was coming and it was terrifying,  He pleaded with his father to take the cup away from him. He didn't for it was his will for us. Jesus was caught in a political crossfire and they arrested him for blasphemy. They chose a notorious prisoner over Jesus and the crowds shouted for Jesus to be crucified. Roman soldiers mocked Jesus, put a crown of thorns on his head and spit upon him. On the cross, Jesus watched as the soldiers gambled for his clothes. When a sponge of sour wine was pushed to Jesus's lips, he knew that the cup had passed.
" It is finished".

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jesus's Last Words: Supernatural Forgiveness

Jesus's Last Words: Supernatural Forgiveness by ric Gustafson

In Luke 23 verse 34, Jesus says " Father, forgive them". Before he says this, are the two words " Jesus said". Jesus to this day intercedes for you and for me. We have committed many sins and we are not proud of them. Jesus knows this and proclaims at the end of this verse " for they do not know what they do". Even though we sin, Jesus extends forgiveness.
Because Jesus forgives us, he wants and expects us to forgive others.

research help: ' 1000 days' by Jonathan Falwell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz page 7

Oz page 7 by ric Gustafson

Mary William Ethelbert Appleton Burke was born on August 6 1884. For the stage, her name was changed to Billie Burke. She was the daughter of circus performers and promoters who pushed her into the family business. In 1902, she was in the London hit play ' The School Girl',
She was courted by the famous Follies producer Florenz Ziegfeld and they married in 1914. Burke made her feature film debut in 1916.
In 1938 before she was cast as Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz, she was nominated for an Oscar. After Oz ended, Burke continued to make feature films including ' Father of the Bride' and ' Sergeant Rutledge'.
Burke will always be known as Glinda the Good Witch of the North.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 11

the Fall page 11 by ric Gustafson

Serus peeked through the balcony window. He could hear Lucifer speaking to an assembly of angels who were loyal to him.
A cry came from the house. " Serus".
The little angel entered the large room and noticed that some of the angels were now staring at him. He walked over to his lord who was sitting around a table.
Lucifer handed him a sealed scroll. " Serus, take this scroll to Michael and hand it to him personally".
" Yes, my lord".
Later, after Serus flew away Michael read the message. He put the scroll on a nearby table and then began to wonder about Lucifer's true motives. After thinking on that for a while, Michael decided on his next course of action.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 17, 2014

the Fall page 10

the Fall page 10 by ric Gustafson

Pellecus was observing God's new creation when he noticed his lord approaching. He pointed toward a field of flowers and beautiful shrubs. " Welcome to God's creation".
" Thank you my friend" Lucifer replied. He smiled as he noticed the nearby meadow and stream. " I have interesting news from Kara".
" What news is that my lord?".
" It seems that Michael and Gabriel have been inquiring about our activities".
" What do we do now my lord?".
" We will continue with our plans". He stared at his friend. " But we will be more cautious".
" My lord Lucifer, is it your plan to govern this new creation instead of God?".
" Yes Pellecus, that is my plan".
" Lord Lucifer, what if that does not come true?".
" Then my friend" Lucifer cackled back with a strange laugh. " We will have to take other measures".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 15, 2014

the Fall page 9

the Fall page 9 by ric Gustafson

Lucifer stood on his balcony and listened to the music that he had created. He watched angels walking toward the northern edge of the Kingdom. He watched as an angel quietly landed next to him.
" Kara, my friend".
" My friend Lucifer, I have some encouraging news".
" What news is that?".
" The Council of Elders have decided to make a formal request to the Most High that you be made the steward of this new world".
Lucifer smiled. " When will they make this request?".
" Very soon I heard".
All of a sudden, a thunder of trumpets pierced the sky.
The Lord's voice rang out. " Glory to the Lamb of God who was slain before the foundation of the world".
The two watched as a streak of light flew from the North into the Heavenly sky.
" Now it starts" Lucifer muttered to himself.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Inn page 1

the Inn page 1 by ric Gustafson

Joseph tiredly drove the SUV into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn and parked in one of the empty parking stalls. He looked over at his wife Mary. She was awake but very uncomfortable because she was about to give birth.
He had tried the first motel he saw but found out that a national rodeo was also in town. The motel was totally booked. No matter which motel they went to, all rooms were booked.
Joseph walked into the lobby with Mary and helped her sit down to rest. He walked up to the front desk. " Sir" he said to the young clerk. " My wife is about to give birth and I cannot find a room anywhere in town". He looked at the clerk. " Can you please help us?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 8

elevator no.4 page 8 by ric Gustafson

" I can't believe you are thinking of food at a time like this" Mark exclaimed in a loud voice. " We might die in here".
" No we won't". Justin pulled a tiny black bible from his back pocket. " The bible says that God will always protect us".
Anita took a plastic fork and put some mashed potatoes into her mouth. " How do you know that?".
Justin turned some pages. " John 3:16".
" What does that verse say?".
" For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
Mark rolled his eyes. " Oh brother".
Anita bit into some of the turkey. " God can love even a sinner like me".
" Of course". Justin took a bite of the turkey. " All you have to do is admit that you are a sinner and that you want to change".
Tears began to flow down her face. " I want to".
Mark shook his head in frustration. " I don't believe this".
She got down on her knees and bowed her head.
" Tell God that you are a sinner and that you want to change".
She repeated the words.
" Tell God to come into your heart and be in charge of your life".
She repeated the words.
" Thank you God Amen".
" Thank you God Amen".
Just then, the elevator opened.
" Sorry folks" said the hotel employee  they had seen earlier. " I got it open as fast as I could".
Mark quickly walked out. " Get me out of here".
Justin handed Anita his little black bible. " Anita, welcome to God's family".
She gave Justin a big hug. " Thank you".
She walked out of elevator no.4 a changed person forever.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oz page 6

Oz page 6 by ric Gustafson

At age 17, Jack Haley went to Philadelphia and started working at the Philadelphia Club. He operated the switchboard and was a bellhop. In his downtime, he took dance lessons. In 1924, Haley started on Broadway at the Palace Theatre. Haley eventually came to Hollywood and made twenty pictures between 1932 and 1938. He was cast as the Tin Woodman in the Wizard of Oz.
Haley's son Jack Jr married Judy's Garland daughter Liza Minnelli in 1974.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 7

elevator no.4 page 7 by ric Gustafson

Mark held the door open as the young woman walked in.
" Thank you".
He gave her a scowled stare. He held it open for the older gentleman.
" Thank you".
Mark gave no reply but closed the door. He pushed the button for the first floor. " Is everyone going down to first floor?".
Both Justin and Anita shook their head yes.
Mark pushed the button again and then felt a jolt. " What happened?".
" I'm sure it's nothing" Justin replied as he pushed the button again. Nothing happened.
" That's just great" Mark growled as he gave them a stern look. " It's Thanksgiving and I'm stuck in an elevator".
Justin pushed the call button.
" Yes".
" There are three of us stuck in elevator no.4 on the third floor".
" Stay calm, we are currently working on the situation".
Mark shook his head at the other two. " Just when I thought my day could not get worse".
" God will protect us" Justin said as he opened the Styrofoam container. " Would either of you like to share some leftover Thanksgiving turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy with me?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Oz page 5

Oz page 5 by ric Gustafson

Bert Lahr was born in Manhattan and raised in the Yorkville neighborhood of New York's East Side. He knew from an early age that he wanted to be in vaudeville and on stage. He dropped out of school at fifteen and was soon in a children's theater company.
In the 1930's, Lahr went to Hollywood where later he was given the role of the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz. Lahr's scenes as the nerveless Lion etched his performance in the hearts and minds of movie fans. From his musical number ' King of the Forest' to his selfless bravery in the final act.
After Oz, Lahr returned to the stage throughout the 1940's and 1950's appearing in musical comedies. Later, he appeared in drama productions including ' Waiting for Godot'.
Bert Lahr was a cinema clown in the role of a lifetime.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 6

elevator no.4 page 6 by ric Gustafson

Mark closed the door and slowly walked toward the elevator.
Just then, a hotel employee quickly walked past him as he talked into a cell phone. " The elevator should be ok to use".
" That's just great" he muttered under his breath as he approached the elevator. " The elevator better be working". He noticed a woman approaching who was dressed like she was going to a job interview.
' What else can go wrong in my life' he thought as he reached the elevator door and pushed the down button.  He noticed an older gentleman carrying a Styrofoam container coming toward the elevator.
' Who needs God' he thought with a scowl as the door opened and he walked inside.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

the Fall page 8

the Fall page 8 by ric Gustafson

Gabriel and Michael were sitting around a large table. Michael's house was just off the Grand Square and God's light poured through the windows.
As they sat, Sangius quietly walked in and sat down.
" Thank you for coming my friend" Michael said as he shook his hand. " Can you tell Gabriel what you told me?".
" Archangel Gabriel, I was a member of the Council of Worship and participated in several meetings led by Lucifer".
" What happened?".
" The meetings eventually became offensive toward the Lord".
Gabriel listened intently.
" Most of the Council members were giving their loyalty to Lucifer".
" It's beginning to make sense".
" What is?" asked Michael.
" The day creation started, Lucifer stopped me and tried to get some information".
Gabriel looked at his brother with a concerned stare. " I can't believe our Chief Minister of Worship would do this to the Creator".
" This is a serious accusation" Michael replied. " We must be careful".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through victory

God's Glory: revealed through victory by ric Gustafson

Have we had Red Sea moments in our life. When God delivers a victory to us, we should be grateful for what God has done for us. We need to give glory where glory is due. We gain spiritual maturity when we praise God in our storms and in our victories. We need to always thank God for his goodness with thankfulness. We need to thank God for the victories in our lives and the Red Sea moments to come.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz page 4

Oz page 4 by ric Gustafson

As a sixteen year old in Dorchester Massachusetts, Ray Bolger wanted to be a vaudevillian. By the time he was nineteen, he was already on stage. Bolger appeared on Broadway until 1984 six decades on stage and screen.
Bolger was originally going to play the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz but asked to switch roles to the Scarecrow. Playing the Scarecrow was suited to his double jointed style of dancing.
When asked if he wished to receive royalties from the film, he said no.
He got movie immortality instead.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 5

elevator no.4 page 5 by ric Gustafson

Anita closed the door and started walking toward the elevator. She noticed an older gentleman who was carrying a Styrofoam container. It looked like he was talking to a hotel employee. The employee walked fast toward her.
" This elevator should be ok" he said as he pointed toward it. " We've been having problems with them all day". He quickly walked away as he talked into his cell phone.
She walked up to the elevator as she nervously stared at her outfit. She was hoping that this business outfit would help her at the job conference downstairs. She watched as the older gentleman and a young man with a scowl on his face approached the elevator.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 10, 2014

Schindlerjuden: Ryszard Horowitz

Schindlerjuden: Ryszard Horowitz

Ryszard Horowitz is one of America's commercial photographers. His work has been in dozens of magazines.
Born May 5 1939, Horowitz is believed to be the youngest of the Schindlerjuden. His father David was a Krakow engineer. His mother Regina was a milliner. He has an older sister named Niusia. Horowitz survived Auschwitz by the age of six. Horowitz's family got onto Schindler's List because it was well connected. The family was close to Abraham Bankier  who owned the factory that was taken over by Schindler.
At Brinnlitz, the camp commander ordered all men and boys to be sent to Auschwitz. Young Horowitz and his father among them. A friend from Krakow, Roman Gunz took care of Ryszard and the other Auschwitz children until the camp was liberated in January of 1945.
After liberation, the children were taken to a Catholic orphanage in Krakow. Roman Liebling became a life time friend. Later, he changed his name to Roman Polanski.
He came to the United States as an exchange student. Later, he married Anna Bogusz who was also a Polish survivor. The couple married in 1974. In the early 1980's, he agreed to participate in a documentary about Oscar Schindler.

research help: ' Schindler's Legacy' by Elinor Brecher

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through deliverance

God's Glory: revealed through deliverance by ric Gustafson

God needed a leader to unite the twelve tribes and deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians. That man was Moses. One day in the Wilderness, God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush. He told Moses that he was the God of his father, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was not a great diplomat or orator but a man on a mission. Because Pharaoh kept saying no to Moses, he sent eight plagues. The ninth plague was the worst. The firstborn of every Egyptian family died. Pharaoh let the people go and then had a change of heart. He came after the slaves, but Moses lifted his rod and parted the Red Sea. All the Egyptians drowned.
Because of Moses, God's Glory was revealed through the deliverance of his people.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz page 3

Oz page 3 by ric Gustafson

By 1939, Judy Garland had been an MGM contract player for four years. Because of her musical comedies with Mickey Rooney, she was one of MGM's brightest stars. MGM studio chief Louis B Mayer wanted Shirley Temple for the role of Dorothy. Producers Mervyn Leroy and Arthur Freed wanted Garland for the role. Because Fox refused to release Temple, Garland won the role.
Born in 1933, Terry the Terrier played Toto. The lovable terrier became one of Hollywood's favorite animal stars.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS classic' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 4

elevator no.4 page 4 by ric Gustafson

Justin held onto the Styrofoam container as he closed the room door. He took two steps and then bumped into someone.
" I'm sorry" said a hotel employee. He tugged on a tool belt that was around his waist. " I should watch where I am going".
" What 's all the rushing around?".
" We've been having trouble with the elevators". His cell phone buzzed. He checked it. " This is Mike". He listened intently to the call. " Ok, I'll be right there". He grinned at Justin. " For right now, they are working ok".
As Justin walked toward the elevator, he noticed two other people approaching. One was a young man with a scowl on his face. The other was a young woman wearing a business suit.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Unsinkable page 13

Unsinkable page 13 by ric Gustafson

While the ship was being loaded with coal, Captain Maurice H Clarke of the Board of Trade was doing mandatory surveys on board. Distress rockets, flares were examined and approved. Lifeboats and floats were tested and charts and instruments were inspected.
The Board of Trade had a formula for determining the lifeboat requirements for British registered vessels. Any ship over 10,000 tons had to carry at least sixteen lifeboats with a capacity for 550 people. The huge liner went over that requirement when she added four Englehardt collapsibles which gave the ship room for 1,178 people. The ship had new Welin davits fitted to handle three lifeboats.
The ship's chief bosun Alfred Nichols checked hatches, winches, derricks and fenders knowing that the passengers were soon arriving. Shortly after, the boat train arrived.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz page 2

Oz page 2 by ric Gustafson

The Wizard of Oz's first director was Norman Taurog. He did not film anything but left to direct Mickey Rooney in ' The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. Oz's second director was Richard Thorpe. He lasted only a week and a half until he was fired. Oz's third director was George Cukor and he left soon after to direct ' Gone with the Wind'. King Vidor came to direct and did not last long.Victor Fleming was the last director to come to Oz and stayed until it was completed. He put his own stamp on the production by showing Dorothy's frustration with her aunt and uncle and her thoughts on losing Toto. Fleming got spirited performances from the actors and actresses and used Technicolor to help enhance the plot of the story. The Wizard of Oz was a Fleming production through and through.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by   CBS Watch publication

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 7, 2014

Oz page 1

Oz page 1 by ric Gustafson

At the end of the 19th century, fantasy was a common form of escapism. Popular literature at that time was full of the whimsy and the surreal. L Frank Baum was fascinated by the written word. One of his favorite stories was Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. The character of Alice intrigued Baum and he began developing a female character named Dorothy. He wanted to create a timeless and unique American heroine.
Talking pictures came into being in the late 1920's. America needed entertainment because of the stock market crash of 1929. In 1925, the first full length Oz film came out. The director and star was Larry Semon. Starting in 1914, four short subject silent films were directed by Baum himself. Walt Disney wanted to adapt Baum's story but could not secure the rights. In 1937, Disney released ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz a CBS tradition' by CBS Watch Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Blood: salvation in the blood

the Blood: salvation in the blood by ric Gustafson

In a story told in Luke chapter 8, a man had been demon possessed for a long time. He was bound by chains and fetters and was living among the tombs. Jesus commanded the demons to come out of him and into a herd of pigs instead. Jesus has power and authority over demons and that some power is available to every believer. As believers, we have authority over Satan.
If we want victory and to be free from bondage, we need to obey God's Word. We need to ask for God's protection. God's Word and the blood work together. The Word says and the blood does. The blood of Jesus has cleansed us and provides access to the throne of God.

research help: ' The Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 6, 2014

the Blood: protected by the blood

the Blood: protected by the blood by ric Gustafson

Moses told Pharaoh that God said " let my people go". Pharaoh refused. God sent plagues of frogs, gnats,flies, boils, hail, locusts and darkness. Moses warned Pharaoh of one more plague if he refused. He refused.
God instructed Moses to tell the people how they were to avoid this last plague. First, they were to choose a one year old male lamb without blemish. Two, other families could join them. Third, they had to keep the lamb for four days before slaughter. Fourth, the head of the household had to slay the lamb on the evening of the 14th day of the month. Fifth, they had to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the sides and the tops of the doorframes of the house. Sixth, they had to roast the lamb that evening and eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Seventh, they had to eat the meal in haste. The blood on the door was to be a sign for the plague to pass over that house.

research help: ' the Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

the Blood: purchased by the blood

the Blood: purchased by the blood by ric Gustafson

People have asked why did Jesus purchase us with his blood on the cross. The first reason is justification. In our natural state, we stand condemned by God. We are born spiritually separated from him. We fall short of the righteous behavior that God requires. Only the sinless Son of God can do that. Romans 5 says that Jesus died for the ungodly. Because we have been justified by the blood of Jesus, we are saved from God's wrath.
The blood of Jesus buys our freedom our redemption. We should of been on that cross but Jesus took our place and purchased our redemption with his precious blood.
Because natural man is a sinner and sins, God's wrath must be appeased. The blood of Jesus brings reconciliation. The blood of Jesus removes the obstacles separating us from God. Ephesians 1 says that we have access to the Father. Our access to the Father is through Jesus.
It is through the blood of Jesus that we are sanctified . We are now set apart for service to God. When we have Jesus as our Savior we become blood white. We are cleansed by the power of the blood.

research help: ' Blood White' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the holiday fruitcake counseling session page 1

the holiday fruitcake counseling session page 1 by ric Gustafson

Sylvia Mato yawned as she looked out her office window. It was Friday afternoon and she couldn't wait to get outside and enjoy the colorful leaves that were still coming down. It was early November and the weather was still beautiful and warm. She smiled as she walked over to her desk and rang the buzzer. " Karen, is my last appointment here yet?".
" No Miss Mato" was the reply. " I've been listening to the radio and hearing reports of a turkey running around town trying to save his countrymen".
" When he does come".
" Miss Mato, he just came in" said the deep husky voice. " Otto, Miss Mato is expecting you".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Blood: the Blood and the Cross

the Blood: the Blood and the Cross by ric Gustafson

The cross is central to the shedding of Christ's blood. God planned that his Son would shed his blood through crucifixion. The cross is essential to salvation. The cross divides those who accept Jesus's blood atonement and those who reject it. Those who believe in what Jesus had to do on the cross will be with God in heaven. Those who reject what Jesus had to do on the cross will be in an eternal Hell without God.
Jesus told his disciples about his upcoming encounter with the cross in Matthew 26. The cross was an agonizing way to die. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins forever. Hebrews 4:15 says that redemption required the blood sacrifice of the perfect lamb. Only the Son of God could be that sinless Lamb.
Only when Jesus died on the cross was the decisive victory won for us.

research help: ' Blood White' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 3, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through experience

God's Glory: revealed through experience by ric Gustafson

God uses our experiences to minister to other people. In Psalm 42, King David in the wilderness is speaking out of his own hurt and honesty. When we are in the middle of a wilderness, God has us go through trials so we can help others going through the same thing.
Sometimes God can use our mistakes as a warning to others. By the experiences and the circumstances that we as Christians have gone through, God's Glory is revealed to others.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Blood: necessity of the Blood

the Blood: necessity of the Blood by ric Gustafson

To atone for our sins, we need the blood of  Christ. From the beginning of the Bible to the very end, atonement requires a blood sacrifice.
Blood was necessary to cover sin in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve covered themselves in fig leaves but more was required. Skins of animals became their clothes. Atonement for sin cannot be on our own effort. To make the skins for Adam and Eve, blood was sacrificed.
Today, God requires the shedding of blood for the atonement of sin. At the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. God's Son had to bleed and die so that our sins could be forgiven. We need the blood of Christ to be pardoned by God.

research help: ' Blood White' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 3

elevator no.4 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Room 320

Mark Dodge watched the TV as a woman named Joyce Meyer preached about a joy filled life with God. ' Who needs God' he thought with a sneer as he put a spoonful of turkey into his mouth and chewed. " I can't believe Maureen wants a divorce" he muttered to himself as he kept watching the woman preacher. She was beginning to disgust him.
" What a holiday this turned out to be" he said as he turned the channel to the History Channel. He took a bite of a slice of pumpkin pie and then threw the container into the trash. He smiled as an idea came to him. " I'll go down to the hotel bar and drown my sorrows". He turned off the lights and opened the door. " Who needs God". He closed the door.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 2, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through declaration

God's Glory: revealed through declaration by ric Gustafson

There is power in declaration. It is the power of the tongue. When storms come into our lives, sometimes we feel discouraged and alone. Instead, God wants us to take a different approach. God wants us to declare his goodness and ignore our feelings. King David in Psalm 42 in the midst of being depressed and having turmoil, praises God.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

elevator no.4 page 2

elevator no.4 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Room 311

Anita Mahon put the newspaper on the small end table and then rubbed her tired eyes. It was quiet in the room and her mind began to wonder. ' Why me' she thought as she began to ponder about her life. She had lost her job at the bank three months earlier. Her search for a new one was starting to wear on her emotions. She felt tired all the time.
Two weeks ago, she had read about a job finding conference at a local hotel. She felt deep down that she had nothing to lose by coming and giving it a try. Even though today was Thanksgiving, she felt that trying to better herself was the right thing to do.
She put on her best professional work outfit and then checked herself in the bathroom mirror. As she put her heels on, she thought about God for a moment.
' Why am I here on this earth for?' she thought as she checked herself one last time in the mirror. She did not believe in a God that she could not see. Recently, she went to a church on a dare and became curious about the Bible and a place where so called believers gathered. She decided to go to the job conference and then eat Thanksgiving turkey in her room. She turned off the bathroom light, opened the door and then closed it.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 1, 2014

elevator no.4 page 1

elevator no.4 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Room 306

Justin Clarke tiredly put the Styrofoam container on the worn brown hotel dresser. He reached for a black comb as he stared into a small glass mirror. He slowly combed his long grey hair.
The weekend bible conference was long and it was now Thanksgiving Day. Thankfully, the conference participants were treated to a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. He could not eat it all and decided to bring some to his mother who was in Room 120. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. He turned a sink handle to warm and sprayed water onto his tired face. He turned off the water, dried his face with a towel and walked toward the dresser. After checking himself in the mirror, he picked up the Styrofoam container. He opened the front door, turned off the light and walked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 31, 2014

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3 by ric Gustafson

John stared at Glenn. " What do we do now?".
" We're hungry now" shouted two people in line.
" Maybe I can help".
John looked to see who said that. A young bearded man wearing a white robe stepped out of the line. " Do you have any turkey at all?".
" I'll check" Glenn replied. He ran into the back room. He came out carrying a small pan. " I have five small slices". He glanced at the growing line of people. " Not enough to feed all these people".
The young man smiled. " Have everyone sit down".
John and Glenn seated everyone at a table.
The young man picked up the small pan and blessed it. " Now you can feed everyone".
John and the other volunteers served the meal to everyone who was seated.
Afterwards, people as they were leaving said it was the best Thanksgiving dinner they had ever had.
John tried to find the young man to thank him but he was already gone. John began to ponder about the Thanksgiving miracle that he had just witnessed.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

the Rock page 2

the Rock page 2 by ric Gustafson

The Sea of Galilee was a good location for a small fishing business. Galilee was a fertile area and was a green bridge between Asia and Africa. Simon the son of John was a simple fisherman and was the son of a fisherman. Simon was the most common given name at that time. In Matthew 16, Jesus tells Simon that he will be called Peter and upon this rock he will build his church.

research help: ' A Fragile Stone' by Michael Card

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through friendship

God's Glory: revealed through friendship by ric Gustafson

God has given us a community of fellow believers to help us in our Christian journey. Christian church friends, Christian coworkers and others give us strength and comfort in storms in life.
God loves community. God is community through Father, Son and Spirit. God created us and he is delighted when we care and take care of each other.
God's Glory is revealed when we help each other through hard times.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through suffering

God's Glory: revealed through suffering

The fact is that suffering is a reality in our lives. Bad things happen even thought we try to prevent them. Suffering can do one of two things to us. It can drive us away from God. Suffering can also drive us to long for God more than ever. James 1:2-4 says to consider it a sheer gift when tests and challenges come at us.
Suffering is a fact of life and no one is immune. Hardship and pain will come our way because we live in a broken world. We live in a fallen world but the good news is that this is not our home.
One day we will live in a place where there will be no tears, no hunger and no pain.
God's Glory is our anchor through the storms of life.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric