Thursday, November 6, 2014

the Blood: protected by the blood

the Blood: protected by the blood by ric Gustafson

Moses told Pharaoh that God said " let my people go". Pharaoh refused. God sent plagues of frogs, gnats,flies, boils, hail, locusts and darkness. Moses warned Pharaoh of one more plague if he refused. He refused.
God instructed Moses to tell the people how they were to avoid this last plague. First, they were to choose a one year old male lamb without blemish. Two, other families could join them. Third, they had to keep the lamb for four days before slaughter. Fourth, the head of the household had to slay the lamb on the evening of the 14th day of the month. Fifth, they had to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the sides and the tops of the doorframes of the house. Sixth, they had to roast the lamb that evening and eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Seventh, they had to eat the meal in haste. The blood on the door was to be a sign for the plague to pass over that house.

research help: ' the Blood' by Benny Hinn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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