Saturday, November 22, 2014

Giants: fighting your fear

Giants: fighting your fear by ric Gustafson

We do not know what is around the bend. Fear is a part of the fabric of living. God equipped us with it so we can protect ourselves from the unexpected. Fear shackles us and keeps us from doing the routine things of life.
Fear disregards God's plan. God's promises are near but we will never claim them if fear dominates our life. Fear distorts God's purposes. Fear distorts our view of things and robs us of our perspective. Fear brings out the worst in us. Fear discourages God's people. Fear is contagious and takes away our courage. Fear disbelieves God's promises. Fear disobeys God's principles.
To confront the giant of fear we need to confront our fear honestly. We need to understand what is at the root of our fears. We need to confess our fear as sin. We need to come to God in honest confession. Then we need to repent, turn and then walk away. We need to claim God's promises of protection. We need to cultivate a closer relationship with God. Lastly, we need to commit our life to Jesus Christ. The ultimate fear is death. On Calvary, Jesus broke the power of death.
God says fear not because he is victorious.

research help: ' Slaying the Giants in your life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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