Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 1

Happy Birthday Prodigal Son page 1 by ric Gustafson

How to start my story I thought to myself as I stared outside from my bedroom window. I took a sip of my bottled water and thought about the events that had happened the last two years.
My older brother Jeff was down at the plant helping my father so the house is quiet. My father is a hard working Swede who built a steel plant in our hometown. Jeff decided to follow in my father's footsteps and work for him at the plant. Through hard work, he prospered and has been able to rise quickly through the ranks at the plant. His jealousy toward me and what transpired the last two years probably influenced his drive for excellence.
My brother and I were raised in a typical middle class home. Our mother Ruth passed away when I was young so Dad has raised us most of our lives. Dad was always at the plant but made sure and spent time with us.
When Dad would come home from work, the three of us would eat dinner together. Jeff would listen intently as Dad talked about the plant. I would listen but frankly I couldn't have cared less about the plant. I told Dad about my cool friends and the awesome car that I had just fixed up.
When I started high school, I got involved with kids who started me down the wrong path. I started taking drugs, drinking at parties and my school grades really suffered. Dad was naturally upset and tried to get me some help. Jeff was getting good grades and in his senior year, began to work at the plant. My drinking and drug problems got worse and I began to skip a lot of classes.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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