Thursday, November 13, 2014

elevator no.4 page 7

elevator no.4 page 7 by ric Gustafson

Mark held the door open as the young woman walked in.
" Thank you".
He gave her a scowled stare. He held it open for the older gentleman.
" Thank you".
Mark gave no reply but closed the door. He pushed the button for the first floor. " Is everyone going down to first floor?".
Both Justin and Anita shook their head yes.
Mark pushed the button again and then felt a jolt. " What happened?".
" I'm sure it's nothing" Justin replied as he pushed the button again. Nothing happened.
" That's just great" Mark growled as he gave them a stern look. " It's Thanksgiving and I'm stuck in an elevator".
Justin pushed the call button.
" Yes".
" There are three of us stuck in elevator no.4 on the third floor".
" Stay calm, we are currently working on the situation".
Mark shook his head at the other two. " Just when I thought my day could not get worse".
" God will protect us" Justin said as he opened the Styrofoam container. " Would either of you like to share some leftover Thanksgiving turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy with me?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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