Friday, December 19, 2014

Bus 203 page 1

Bus 203 page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was May 8 1945 and Adolf Eichmann had just come home to tell his wife Vera and his sons goodbye. He had just learned that Grand Admiral Karl Donitz who was acting as German head of state had just agreed to an unconditional surrender. Just across the mountain, he knew that Allied troops would soon be arriving.
Wearing a camouflage uniform and a machine gun, he walked to the lake where his family lived. It was a small chalet that overlooked the water. He did not have much time for goodbyes. During the war, he had spent a lot of time away from his wife and sons. He had met Veronika Liebl when he was a twenty five year old traveling salesman for an oil company. He tried to impress her riding a ruby red motorcycle. They married in 1935 but his work in the SS kept him away for long stretches of time. He did not have gold and foreign currency hidden like some of his SS comrades.
When he reached home, he gave his wife and sons cyanide capsules just in case. He loved his sons very much. Klaus was nine, Horst was five and little Dieter was three.
After a short goodbye, Eichmann walked away as quickly as he had come

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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