Monday, December 1, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 3

my next door neighbor Skip page 3 by ric Gustafson

" I'm Archie Louk" he said as he shook the young man's hand. " That was my son Thomas you saved.
The young man tipped his ball cap. " I'm your next door neighbor". He smiled. " Everyone calls me Skip".
" Thank you again for what you did for my son". He shook his hand. " I won't forget it". He walked over and took out the mail from the mailbox. He glanced over to see that his neighbor had left already. He walked into the large kitchen, took a plate out of the cabinet and put some Oreo cookies on it. He put it down on the island and then poured two glasses of milk. He set those on the island along with two napkins. He opened the basement door. " Thomas, Oreo's and milk are ready".
" Alright!" his son exclaimed as he ran up the stairs and then sat down at the island.
" Thomas, what happened out there?".
" It was scary and neat at the same time". He grinned as he bit into an Oreo. " I was scared when the van started coming toward me". He took a sip of his milk. " It was scary and I screamed for you".
" I know" Archie replied as he hugged his son. " I ran out there as fast as I could". He bit into an Oreo. " Then what happened?".
" As I was screaming for you, a hand touched the van and it stopped right away".
" Who put his hand on the van to stop it?".
" The man with the Angel baseball cap". He finished his milk and wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " I'm all done, can I be excused?".
" Sure".
His son walked back down to the basement.
Archie sat at the island shaking his head in amazement.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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