Monday, November 10, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through deliverance

God's Glory: revealed through deliverance by ric Gustafson

God needed a leader to unite the twelve tribes and deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians. That man was Moses. One day in the Wilderness, God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush. He told Moses that he was the God of his father, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was not a great diplomat or orator but a man on a mission. Because Pharaoh kept saying no to Moses, he sent eight plagues. The ninth plague was the worst. The firstborn of every Egyptian family died. Pharaoh let the people go and then had a change of heart. He came after the slaves, but Moses lifted his rod and parted the Red Sea. All the Egyptians drowned.
Because of Moses, God's Glory was revealed through the deliverance of his people.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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