Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the holiday fruitcake counseling session page 1

the holiday fruitcake counseling session page 1 by ric Gustafson

Sylvia Mato yawned as she looked out her office window. It was Friday afternoon and she couldn't wait to get outside and enjoy the colorful leaves that were still coming down. It was early November and the weather was still beautiful and warm. She smiled as she walked over to her desk and rang the buzzer. " Karen, is my last appointment here yet?".
" No Miss Mato" was the reply. " I've been listening to the radio and hearing reports of a turkey running around town trying to save his countrymen".
" When he does come".
" Miss Mato, he just came in" said the deep husky voice. " Otto, Miss Mato is expecting you".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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