Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through the cross

God's Glory: revealed through the cross by ric Gustafson

Isaiah 53:5 involves me. It's about my sins and through Jesus's wounds, I am healed. I deserve death but God substituted his Son to pay the price for me. Every day we need to remember Jesus's sacrifice for us.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus went to pray with his disciples. He knew what was coming and it was terrifying,  He pleaded with his father to take the cup away from him. He didn't for it was his will for us. Jesus was caught in a political crossfire and they arrested him for blasphemy. They chose a notorious prisoner over Jesus and the crowds shouted for Jesus to be crucified. Roman soldiers mocked Jesus, put a crown of thorns on his head and spit upon him. On the cross, Jesus watched as the soldiers gambled for his clothes. When a sponge of sour wine was pushed to Jesus's lips, he knew that the cup had passed.
" It is finished".

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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