Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bus 203 page 3

Bus 203 page 3 by ric Gustafson

When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller assigned Adolf Eichmann to run the Central Office for Jewish Emigration. His first assignment was to resettle 500,000 Poles to make room for ethnic Germans. In late summer 1941, his boss Heydrich told him that Hitler had ordered the physical extermination of the Jewish people. The slaughter of Soviet Jews had already been decided and now Hitler wanted European Jews to have the same fate.
On January 20 1942 in a southwest Berlin suburb called Wannsee, the plan for the destruction of European Jews was finalized. 11 million European Jews were targeted for extermination

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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