Friday, December 19, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 7

my next door neighbor Skip page 7 by ric Gustafson

Edna got into the Ferris wheel car seat. The ride worker waited to see if anyone else was getting on. When no one else did, he put the protective strap on her. He smiled. " Have a fun ride". He turned the button on. It made a funny noise as it started slowly. As it went around faster, Edna smiled because of the fun she was having.
As she reached the top, the engine again made a funny noise. The green generator made a final noise and then quit. Edna was at the very top of the ride.
The wind began to swing the chair and Edna became very scared. " Archie". She closed her eyes. " Dear Jesus, help me".
Rod and Thomas were walking back from the bumper cars. Rod looked and then pointed toward the Ferris wheel. " The ride's stopped and Mom's at the top". They ran toward the ride. Just then, Thomas pointed toward the front of the ride. " Look there's the man with the Angel cap".
Archie heard the commotion and then ran toward the ride. As he reached the entrance to the ride, he heard the generator come back on. The Ferris wheel began to go around again. When it reached the bottom, the ride worker unstrapped Edna and she ran into her husband's loving arms. " Archie, I was scared". Tears ran down from her scared eyes. " I yelled for you and then prayed to Jesus to save me".
Archie looked at the ride worker. " What happened?".
" After I heard the generator stop, I ran over to it". He hesitated. " Then I saw a young man with an Angel cap on". " With my own eyes, I saw him touch the generator and then it came back on". He grinned at Archie. " I tried to thank him but he had already left".
Archie was dumbfounded with the events that had just happened.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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