Wednesday, December 10, 2014

the ghost of Gettysburg page 3

the ghost of Gettysburg page 3 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost. I am standing in an open field near a farm called the Bliss Farm. It was here on this hallow ground that heavy fighting occurred on July 2 1863.
Four Mississippi regiments of General Richard Andersen's division fought Union forces near Little Round Top and the Devil's Den. Union forces had control of the Bliss Farmhouse and Barn until they were pushed back by Posey's Brigade.
General Ambrose Wright's Georgia Brigade had fought to within 100 yards of the crest of Cemetery Ridge which would of changed the outcome of the entire battle. Just as the victory was in sight, General Wright noticed that Posey's brigade was not supporting him on his right but was falling back toward Bliss Farm. The attack failed.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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