Saturday, December 27, 2014

what's behind door number 2 page 4

what's behind door number 2 page 4 by ric Gustafson

" Let's play what's behind door number 2". Russell smiled as he opened his bible to Revelation 3:20. " I stand at the door and knock, he who hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him". He pointed at the stage. " Sara, do you see two doors up on stage?".
Sara glanced at the large stage. " Yes, I do".
" Door number 1, represented by the man in white who is waving at you, is a symbol of this bible verse".
" A symbol of what" she exclaimed with a confused look on her face. " I'm not a Christian nor do I read the bible".
" Sara, door number 1 represents our heart and Jesus simply asks that we knock and he will come in and be with us".
" Russell, I believe in a higher being but not the God you talk about".
" Sara, it's a simple free gift he offers". He smiled at her. " He simply wants our heart to knock and he will come in and be with us".  " Or" he said sadly as he pointed at the stage. " There is door number 2".
" So what choices does God give me?".
" Sara, it's very simple there is door number 1 which is eternal life or there is door number 2". He grinned at her. " You have five minutes to decide".
Clock music began to play.
Sara studied both doors.
After five minutes, the music stopped.
" Sara, have you made a decision?".
" Yes Russell, I have".
" And what is your decision?".
She stared at the two doors and then looked at Russell. " Russell, even though Jesus's offer sounds simple I will take door number 2".
" This is your final decision".
" Yes, it is".
Russell frowned. He turned to a page that was right behind him. " Roger, will you please lead Sara to door number 2".
The young assistant led the young college student onto the stage to a man in red who was standing near the door.
With a broad grin, the man in red led Sara through the heavy curtain of door number 2.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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