Wednesday, November 26, 2014

my next door neighbor Skip page 1

my next door neighbor Skip page 1 by ric Gustafson

The young man sat down on the brown park bench and opened his lunch sack. He took out a meatball sandwich and began to eat it. He smiled as he watched children playing at the nearby playground.
" Hello Skip".
He turned to see an older gentleman, who was wearing a white polo shirt and light colored shorts, sitting down next to him. " Hi Bruno, I was watching the children playing over there".
He reached into a sack and pulled out a ham on wheat Subway sandwich. He took a bite. " The boss loves children".
Skip took a bite of a chocolate chip cookie. " Bruno, why are you here?".
The older gentleman wiped his mouth with a napkin. " First of all, he was very pleased with your last assignment".
Skip smiled. " Be sure and tell him thanks".
" Skip, the boss has another assignment for you".
" I just finished an assignment" he said in a tired voice as he threw the empty sack into a trash can. " What's the assignment?".
" Helping a husband who lives nearby". He stood up and threw his now empty sack into the trash can. " Good luck Skip". He quickly walked away.
Skip smiled as he watched the children having fun.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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