Thursday, December 25, 2014

what's behind door number 2 page 3

what's behind door number 2 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Reginald leaned into the microphone. " And now the game show where you have to make a choice". His voice hesitated. " What's behind door number 2?".
Total silence.
" And now your host Russell Oldeborg".
" Thank you Reg" Russell replied as he stepped out from behind a heavy purple curtain. " And welcome to a very unique game show". He pointed around the empty studio. " This is a game show with no audience". He looked seriously into the camera. " But the implications of this show are very important for all of eternity". He smiled. " Let's meet our first contestant".
" She is a bank teller from Forest Park Maine". His voice hesitated. " Please welcome Sara Lockhart".
A young woman walked out from behind the curtain and quietly walked down the studio steps.
Russell pointed to a chair near him. " Welcome Sara".
She nervously sat down. " Thank you Russell".
" Sara, please tell us a little bit about yourself".
" I'm a senior at Forest Park College and I work part time as a bank teller".
" Are you ready to play the game?".
She nervously began to play with her hair. " Yes, I am".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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