Monday, December 8, 2014

the ghost of Gettysburg page 1

the ghost of Gettysburg page 1 by ric Gustafson

Hello, I am a ghost and today is July 1 1863. Soldiers of General Robert E Lee's Army of Northern Virginia were heading toward a small town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg. Their was a need for shoes for their soldiers who often marched barefoot. When troops of General Henry Heth arrived, they found cavalry of General John Buford already dug in. A battle at Herr's Ridge began and Buford's men held the ground until more Union forces arrived under General John Reynolds.
A Confederate force came down the Chambersburg Pike was repulsed but at great cost to the Union First Corps. The Confederate Second Corps under General Richard Ewell attacked from the north and General Robert Rodes attacking from Oak Hill. General Jubal Early's division attacked the Union's Eleventh Corps and crushed the left flank of the Union line. The Union's First Corps fell back to Seminary Ridge because they were under attack from General Dorsey Pender's division.
The Confederate attack was so heavy the entire Union army retreated through the town to their defensive position on Cemetery Hill. General Ewell did not continue the attack.
On this day, 12,000 Union soldiers were killed or taken prisoner. Killed or taken prisoner for the Confederate forces was 6,500.

research help: ' Ghost Soldiers of Gettysburg' by Patrick Burke and Jack Roth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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