Monday, November 10, 2014

Schindlerjuden: Ryszard Horowitz

Schindlerjuden: Ryszard Horowitz

Ryszard Horowitz is one of America's commercial photographers. His work has been in dozens of magazines.
Born May 5 1939, Horowitz is believed to be the youngest of the Schindlerjuden. His father David was a Krakow engineer. His mother Regina was a milliner. He has an older sister named Niusia. Horowitz survived Auschwitz by the age of six. Horowitz's family got onto Schindler's List because it was well connected. The family was close to Abraham Bankier  who owned the factory that was taken over by Schindler.
At Brinnlitz, the camp commander ordered all men and boys to be sent to Auschwitz. Young Horowitz and his father among them. A friend from Krakow, Roman Gunz took care of Ryszard and the other Auschwitz children until the camp was liberated in January of 1945.
After liberation, the children were taken to a Catholic orphanage in Krakow. Roman Liebling became a life time friend. Later, he changed his name to Roman Polanski.
He came to the United States as an exchange student. Later, he married Anna Bogusz who was also a Polish survivor. The couple married in 1974. In the early 1980's, he agreed to participate in a documentary about Oscar Schindler.

research help: ' Schindler's Legacy' by Elinor Brecher

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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