Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Joy: the joy of adversity

New Year Joy: the joy of adversity by ric gustafson

God hides hidden purposes in the adversity he allows. The Apostle Paul wrote several letters in the New Testament which are referred to as the Prison Epistles. He wrote these letters while in prison. He wrote about the hard and difficult times he faced there. Yet the Apostle Paul knew that the suffering and pain he endured was part of God's plan for his life. His adversity in prison gave him the chance to witness to the guards guarding him and others. Paul's adversity provides courage to us and fellow believers. Adversity can strengthen our character in regard to our friendships with others. Adversity can provide growth for our lives. Adversity can purify our motives. Adversity can help us to see better life now and death to come.

research help: ' Turning Toward Joy' by David Jeremiah

Peace and Joy. Love Ric

Friday, December 27, 2013

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 2 by ric gustafson

About 9:00, Diane was helping a potential worker fill out an application form. Her phone rang. " Diane, this is Doreen". The tired voice continued. " That landowner called and he needs more workers".
" Ok, I'll ask those who are here". She looked up from her phone. " Is there anybody willing to do a one day outside job for $240".
Several hands shot up.
" There is a van outside to take you to the landowner's property". This occurred again at 12 noon and around 3:00. At about 5:00, she noticed that Roger Allen was still sitting in the waiting area. " Roger, why are you still sitting here?".
" Nobody 's given me a job today".
Her phone rang.
" Roger, would you like a quick job for an hour doing an outside labor project for a local landowner?".
Joyfully he stood up. " You bet".
" The van is outside to take you to the job".
Roger ran out to the van.
At 6:00, the landowner came and gave Doreen a folder full of pay envelopes to give to the workers.
At 6:30, the workers came back and waited in the waiting area to receive their wages.
Doreen handed Bobby and John their pay envelopes. They smiled when they saw $ 240 in cash. They were very tired and sunburned.
Roger opened his pay envelope and was totally surprised. Even though he worked only one hour, he still had $240 in cash in his envelope.
" Wait a minute" Bobby said out loud as he noticed what Roger was just given. " John and I worked all day in the sun and got sunburned and Roger who worked only one hour got the same amount we did".
The landowner walked out of Doreen's office and now stood next to her. " I have done no wrong because you agreed to the wage I paid you". He raised his hand to end the arguing. " Take what is yours and go".
" The first shall be last and the last first".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 26, 2013

crimes of the century: John Wayne Gacy

crimes of the century: John Wayne Gacy by ric gustafson

Starting in January 1972 and escalating in 1975, young boys and young men were disappearing in     Chicago.  During a six year wave of terror, at least 33 boys and young men were murdered.  One day, the murder of 15 year old Robert Piest led investigators to the home of John Wayne Gacy. A background check had revealed that Gacy had been in an Iowa prison for sodomizing a teenage boy. A December 1978 search of Gacy's home revealed 27 bodies had been buried under the house, in the backyard and the garage. Piest's body and others were in a nearby river.
Gacy was convicted of the killings in 1980 and executed by lethal injection 14 years later.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 1

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 1 by ric gustafson

Diane Snyder yawned as she unlocked the door. She turned on the main lights and then sat down at her desk. She enjoyed working at the temp agency but sometimes it was very hectic. She noticed that her supervisor's office light was on and that her supervisor was talking to someone. She prepared the coffee pot and turned on the machine.
Her supervisor and a client walked out of the office. He walked out.
" Diane" Doreen Greene said as she walked toward her desk. " That was Mr Rogness and he is a big landowner here in town". She smiled. " He has a one day project until 6 tonight and needs a lot of workers". She thought for a moment. " Oh, he has agreed to pay $ 240 for a day's work which is very generous".
Just then, two of their early morning workers came in.
" Diane" Bobby Long said as he stopped at her desk. " John and I were wondering if you had any day jobs available".
" Actually I do". She handed him an explanation sheet. " It's a one day outside labor job and the client is paying $ 20 an hour".
Bobby smiled at his friend. " Great, we'll take it".
Diane grinned. " There's a van outside to transport you to the job site".
" Thanks Diane". Bobby and his friend walked out to the white van.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

James 4: 13-17 page 2

James 4: 13-17 page 2 by ric gustafson

Wilma walked out the front door and down the concrete steps. She walked up to the white minivan and then leaned on it. She started to stretch her legs to do her daily jog.
Her husband Mick pulled into the driveway and got out of the green Saturn. He walked over to the blue wooden mailbox and took out their mail. He bent down and picked up their newspaper. " How was the bible study?".
" It was fine" she replied as she began to run in place. " How was your meeting with Mr Jameson?".
" He postponed it until tomorrow but I know I'll get the promotion".
" How do you know that?".
" As much profit as I have earned for them, I know he's going to give me the promotion".
She kept stretching her legs. " Have you ever read James 4?".
" No". He gave her a quizzical stare. " I don't read the bible very much".
" James 4 says that we are like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes".
" What does that mean?".
" Instead of boasting, you should say if the Lord wills, it will happen".
The next day

She was in the garage putting some gardening tools away when she heard her husband's Saturn pull up into the driveway.
She took a paper bag and knelt down in the front lawn to pick up some leaves. " How did the meeting go?".
He glumly walked toward the front door. " I did not get it".

The End

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Everyone take care. Love Ric

James 4: 13-17 page 1

James 4: 13-17 page 1 by ric gustafson

Wilma Heinrich put down the study of Job she was working on. She walked over to the foyer closet, opened it and took out a green vacuum cleaner. As she plugged it in, she heard her husband walk into the kitchen.
" Hi honey" Mick Heinrich said as he put his dark brown briefcase on the new countertop. " Guess what happened at work?".
She sat down and began to work on her bible study. " What?".
He walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. " At the meeting today we found out profits are up, sales are up and mostly because of me".
She sipped from a bottled water. " Really".
" Tomorrow, I have a meeting with Mr Jameson" he exclaimed as he glanced at the mail. " I have a feeling that I will be getting that Vice President promotion".
She got up, walked over to the dishwasher and opened it to empty it out. " How do you know that?".
" I just know it". He smiled at his wife. " Just you wait and see".
He watched her as she took a washcloth and began to wipe down the countertop. " Why are you cleaning the house?".
" God willing, I'm going to have bible study here tomorrow".
" Oh that's right" he replied with a grin as he began to walk upstairs. " I'll let you know about my new job promotion".

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

the heist of the century

the heist of the century by ric gustafson

On Aug 8 1963, twelve men robbed a Glasgow to London Royal Mail train. The men switched the signals and made the driver stop in the darkness. The robbery netted the men 125 sacks of banknotes worth more than 50 million today.
Ronnie Biggs was caught and jailed. He escaped from a London prison and his running from the law became a media sensation. He turned into a British folk hero. To escape British justice, Biggs moved to Brazil.
In 2001, he returned to England and was sentenced to thirty years. 15 months into his sentence he escaped from London's Wandsworth Prison. He fled to France, Australia and Panama. He spent thirty years in Brazil making a living from his notoriety. He died recently at the age of 84.

research help: an Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crimes of the century: the Unabomber

crimes of the century: the Unabomber by ric gustafson

From 1978 to 1995, someone was sending homemade bombs across the country. Three people were killed and injured 23 more. A million dollar reward and an eighteen year search were unable to track down and capture this person.
A manifesto rambling about society was published in the New York Times and the Washington Post. David Kaczynski recognized the writing and contacted the authorities. His brother, Ted was arrested in 1996 in a remote cabin in Lincoln Montana. He pleaded guilty in 1998 and is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 2 by ric gustafson

I drove up a long hill and then noticed a small yellow house that was surrounded by a white picket fence. I stopped the car in the large snowy driveway. A sign in the front yard said ' The Bob Lewis Museum come on in'.  Doris and I got out and quietly walked across the yard to a screen door. I knocked.
A big burly man wearing coveralls opened the door. " Hi, I'm Bob Lewis".
" Hi" I replied as Doris smiled. " My wife and I saw your billboard and was curious about your museum".
" Great". He shook my hand. " That'll be two dollars to see it".
I took out my wallet and gave him two ones.
" Follow me, the museum is outside in my barn".
As we walked toward the front door, he pointed toward a side table. " Would you like a Christmas cookie that my wife just baked?".
" No thanks" I replied with a shrug of my head. " I'm diabetic".
We walked out the screen door and walked across the snowy ground. We walked up to what looked like a typical farmer's barn. He opened the latch on the door and slowly opened it. He turned on an inside light. When the light lit up the inside of the barn, my jaw dropped. I saw row after row of everything that you could think of. " What is all this stuff?".
" I opened the Museum to show people my treasures". He smiled at me. " Here I'll show you".
He walked over to a shelf and pointed at an old waffle iron. " My mother made the best waffles".
Doris walked over to an old tractor that was in a corner of the barn. " Jack, my father had a tractor just like this one on the farm where I grew up".
Jack thought for a moment. " Thinking about all this stuff reminds me about Matthew 6".
" About not hoarding treasure but stockpile treasure in heaven".
" You know the bible passage".
" Actually someone years ago showed me that passage". He grinned at Jack. " I'll tell you what I told him".
" What 's that?".
" I enjoy having my treasures with me".
A voice came from the house. " Bob, it's time to eat".
He smiled. " Well, I better lock up".
As we walked out the barn door, he locked it. " Thanks for coming and looking at my Museum". He shook my hand and then walked into the house.
As Doris and I left to continue our journey back home, I pondered what had just happened.

The End.

research help: original story

A Merry Christmas to all of you. Love Ric

Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Year Joy: the joy of community

New Year Joy: the joy of community by ric gustafson

An attitude of love is humility. Being a servant is a title of dignity and humility. Love thrives through unity. Saints literally means the set apart ones. Saints are not meant for isolation but for community. Fellowship is central to followers of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Unity is used by Grace the Gentile greeting and Peace  the Jewish greeting.
Intimacy is the action of love. To love someone is one thing, to express that love is something else. We need a spirit of gratitude to always tell God thank you for everything. The affirmation of love is security. God wants us to grow in four aspects of our spiritual lives. The first is that he wants us to grow in our spiritual devotion. God wants our love to deepen and intensify. Second is that God wants us to grow in our spiritual discernment. God wants our grace to grow. Third is that God wants us to grow in spiritual development. God wants us to be real in our walk with him. Fourth is that God wants us to grow in spiritual deportment. God wants our hearts and minds to produce a rich spiritual harvest.
The joy of community is loving each other just as God always loves us.

research help: ' Turning toward Joy' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Noah's wife page 4

Noah's wife page 4 by ric gustafson

We traveled away from the Nile and the ground was hard baked because of no rain. Noah was protective of me and my stomach because he wanted me to bear him some sons. I asked him if he was going to bestow upon me a name.
" On to Sorum my wife" he said with a grin. " My flock awaits".
Sorum was the last place I wanted to go. As we approached, I noticed how barren the land was. There was no vegetation but just some scrub brush. I asked Noah about that.
" This barren land are the crops of sinners".
" What about the women of the town?".
" Most are prostitutes".
" And the children?".
" They are too".
" Who rules this land?".
" Nephilim".

research help:  ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 1

Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum page 1 by ric gustafson

Jack McCloud looked at the speedometer. " Honey, I think we should fill the gas tank".
Doris McCloud looked up from the map she was studying. " Why is that?".
He stared at the snowy concrete road. " There is not a gas station for miles and I'm worried it's going to snow again before we get home".
" That's fine" she replied with a smile. " I don't want to get stranded right before Christmas". She looked at the map. " Where are we?".
" There's a small town coming up".
He turned off the highway and came up to a sign saying to slow down entering the town. As he applied the brakes to the blue Saturn, he noticed a small billboard to the left. It read ' Christmas Greetings from the Bob Lewis Museum'.
Doris grinned. " That's a strange name for a museum".
" The billboard says it's open right now" he said as he noticed a service station on the right. " I'm curious about it". He glanced at the speedometer. " Let's fill up and then stop at this museum quick on our way out of town".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 20, 2013

Noah's wife page 3

Noah's wife page 3 by ric gustafson

Father slightly opened the tent flap. " Daughter, your future husband is here".
I heard the tribesmen outside. " You've come for that demon girl".
" Welcome" Father exclaimed as the stranger walked in.
" I have come for your pure and righteous daughter". He stared at me. " Arrat told me that you are a righteous family who worships the God of Adam".
" My daughter and I worship the God of Adam with each breath". He gave Noah olives, nuts, apricots, bread, cheese and dried goat meat for the journey.
I stared at my future husband. He was old and wrinkled and had bushy eyebrows. I walked out of the tent toward a waiting donkey. My future husband looked strange and ancient. He had a long scraggly beard and thin wrinkled skin.
Father helped me up onto the donkey. He put the gifts into some saddlebags. " Daughter, by showing devotion to your husband you please God".
" Ok Father".
Noah led the donkey past several of the tribesmen who had gathered.
' Goodbye Father' I thought to myself as I watched Father walk back to the tent.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Noah's wife page 2

Noah's wife page 2 by ric gustafson

Father applied some potion to my mark.
There was a knock on our tent flap. In walked Arrat the Storyteller. " Eben, I have some news".
" Daughter, can you leave us alone for a while?".
I walked out.
" Some of the tribesmen found Mechem who sold you the potion for your daughter". He stared at my father. " His body was found at the edge of the river".
" What does that have to do with my daughter?".
" Some of the tribesmen think your daughter used her demon influence to kill him".
" She is a motherless child".
" There is a way that I can save your daughter from being killed".
" What's that?".
" There is a man who lives five days journey west of here".
" Have you spoken of him before?".
" No, he is upright and a man of God".
" Which God?".
" The God of Adam".
" What is the name of this man who is looking for a wife?".
" Noah".

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Science of Sin: Pride

the Science of Sin: Pride by ric gustafson

Pride is a deadly sin. It can help us aim higher or it can turn deadly. Pride is an emotion that happens when people feel good about themselves. It can bring out the best and the worst in us. Researchers have determined two types of pride, hubristic and authentic.
Authentic pride motivates people to do the things that make them feel good about themselves. Some acquire status and some power. Pride makes us want to put forth extra effort to succeed.
Hubristic pride brings behaviors that we need to be dominate. Arrogance, superiority, intimidation are some examples. Both prides help us to secure social status. We need authentic pride to reach the peak of success. Hubristic pride could cost us friendships, relationships and our mental health.
Being too dependent on pride can be very dangerous.

The End.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Noah's wife page 1

Noah's wife page 1 by ric gustafson

When I was born, my father did not give me a name. The reason being is that I have a mark above my left eye. My father did everything he could to get rid of it. He rubbed it with a sheep's hoof, anointed it with olive oil even offered the gods a finger if they would make it go away. As I grew up, tribes people would ignore and shun me. I blamed myself when father told me that mother had died a year after I was born. Tribe women gossiped that because of me and my mark that she had died. Father said that that was not true and that she had choked to death.
The only people who would spend time with me were the traders. They came to Father to haggle for his olives. They brought fruit, nuts, honey, spices, incense and grain. They talked about a Town of Exiles. An old trader named Arrat the Storyteller told stories that interested me. Now I was nineteen and prayed to the Gods to take this mark away.
Then I met Mechem the Magical.

research help: ' Sinners and the Sea' by Rebecca Kanner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

the Science of Sin: Wrath

the Science of Sin: Wrath by ric gustafson

Intimate terrorism is the desire to establish power and control in a relationship. The resulting violence is usually one sided and prone to escalate over time. Situational couple violence is mutual and emerges from relational conflict that gets out of hand. Intimate partner aggression is far more common than intimate terrorism.
How much self control we have dictates our ability to control an angry rage. That level of self control depends on personality, recent events and stress level. Researchers found that men use domestic violence to establish power and control. Other researchers found that instead of trying to establish power and control, people used violence as a result of partner conflicts.
People in love need to practice good conflict management skills and a concentrated effort to increase their self control.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 16, 2013

the Ginormous Juice Stand page 3

the Ginormous Juice Stand page 3 by ric gustafson

Barbara yanked on her friend's right arm. " Missy, that is an atheist church".
Missy gave her a perplexed look. " What's an atheist?".
" Missy, they are people who do not believe in God".
" Actually" Mark replied with a big smile. " We consider ourselves good charitable people with broad minds".
" Missy, I feel uncomfortable here". She stared at her friend. " Let's go".
" I take it you are one of those Jesus people".
" I am, I'm Lutheran".
" That's great" he replied as he smiled at other grocery patrons as they walked by. " We don't bash believers in any way".
Missy opened the pamphlet. " What does your brochure promote?".
" Our church is having a service on New Year's Eve". He smiled at the two young women. " Anyone is welcome to attend".
Barbara stamped her foot again. " Missy, let's go".
" Can I take the pamphlet?".
" Sure".
She put one of the Ginormous Juice bottles into her cart. " My back feels better already". She smiled at Mark. " I'll think about the service".

The End

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Science of Sin: Sloth

the Science of Sin: Sloth by ric gustafson

When we procrastinate, we know what we want to do and yet settle for mental diversions. We want to seek fun now rather than wait. When we face emotional conflict and tension, sometimes we procrastinate. Procrastination is an engine of regret  and has been around since the start of time.
We can procrastinate about anything including work, exercise, a diet or sending birthday cards. Procrastination has been defined as the voluntary delay  of any action that we know that we need to do now. Those who display chronic procrastination can suffer from depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that negative emotions diminish self control. Self control is needed to manage our internal state.
One way to combat procrastination is cognitive reappraisal. This involves altering our emotional response to procrastination. When cognitive reappraisal is used for our focus, enthusiasm and performance, procrastination is diminished.
Another way to prevent procrastination is to forgive ourselves. This is because criticism fuels procrastination. We need to believe in our self worth and to practice self control.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 15, 2013

the Science of Sin: Greed

the Science of Sin: Greed by ric gustafson

In today's society, greed motivates competition and that is essential for today's markets. Yet greed has historically had a bad reputation. Most people shun greedy behavior. Since the start of time, greed has been viewed as a moral violation. The Bible's tenth commandment says ' thou shall not covet'. Most people have a view of fairness and not to take advantage of others. When we have competition, it can lead to market gain or harmful negative results.
Sports for example. Competition can lead to achievements and awards but can also wreak havoc on person lives involving family and friends. Financially, it could ruin us when we have to have bigger and better things than our next door neighbors.
There are a lot of people who do not give in to greed. They help others in need and donate money to charities. A lot of people donate their time for the benefit of others.
Does greed make you happier?. Research has shown that that is not true.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Ginormous Juice stand page 2

the Ginormous Juice stand page 2 by ric gustafson

Mark grinned. " You have an ache or pain?".
Missy looked at her friend. " Actually my back has been bothering me".
Barbara glanced at her watch. " Missy, we need to go".
He poured some juice into a small plastic cup. " Here, just try it".
She took the small cup and gulped it down. Instantly, she felt warmth in her lower back. " I think it's working already".
Barbara stamped her foot. " Missy, let's go".
She handed him the now empty cup. " Sorry I have to go". As she turned, she noticed a stack of pamphlets on the right corner of the table. " What are those?".
He smiled and handed her one. " It's for the church that I belong to".
Missy glanced at it for a second. " What church is that?".
" It's right down the street". He pointed. " It's called ' The Who Cares About God Megachurch'.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

the Science of Sin: Envy

the Science of Sin: Envy by ric gustafson

Socrates called envy the ulcer of the soul. Envy has been described as the pain of occupying an inferior position relative to another and a desire for something that another person has. Among the seven deadly sins, it is the sin that is not fun. Envy can cause us to hurt others and possibly take pleasure in their suffering. Envy can also motivate us to try harder and perform better.
We usually start out with a little envy because it is painful and unpleasant. We try to discontent or transform our emotions. We can also exaggerate desires.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the broken Christmas pitcher page 8

the broken Christmas pitcher page 8 by ric gustafson

The next morning, Myron gave the young man a big hug. " Thank you for everything".
Jesus gave him a loving smile. " It's been my pleasure".
" It's so peaceful here I hate to go". He opened the front door to leave.
" Before you go, I have something for you".
Myron closed the door.
Jesus went upstairs and returned with a red decorated Christmas box. " Merry Christmas Myron".
He opened the box to reveal his now completed Christmas pitcher. " Thank you".
" Myron, my father will always be there to put the broken pieces of your life back together again".
Myron thought for a moment and then handed the pitcher to Jesus. " Please put this with all the other mended pitchers that you have".
" I will" Jesus replied as he put it on a nearby table. " My father and I love looking at all the pitchers of our followers that we have helped over the centuries".
" Goodbye" Myron said as he opened the door and gave Jesus a final hug. " Thank you again".
" Remember Myron, God loves you and so do I".
The door closed.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 13, 2013

the broken Christmas pitcher page 7

the broken Christmas pitcher page 7 by ric gustafson

The young man reached down and picked up the broken pottery piece. He handed it to Myron. " It looks like this is your last broken piece".
He took it and put some glue on it.
" How is your relationship going with Daphne?".
Myron put the piece into the broken pitcher. " Ok, I guess". He gave the young man a sad stare. " Actually we've decided to put our relationship on hold for awhile".
" How do you feel about that?".
" I love her and it's breaking my heart to not have her with me".
" Pray to God and he will help you through this trial".
" I pray to God all the time".
The young man smiled. " Good, keep it up because God is listening".
Myron thought for a moment. " I've decided to go home in the morning".
" That's fine because your Christmas pitcher is done".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 12, 2013

the Ginormous Juice stand page 1

the Ginormous Juice stand page 1 by ric gustafson

Mark Hested yawned as he set down the large cardboard box. He noticed that the grocery store did set up his table as he requested. He took off his blue parka and put it on the back of the plain aluminum chair. He yawned again as he opened the box. He took out a placard and put it on the front of the table. From out of the box, he took out several plastic juice cartons and set them up on the table. He yawned a third time as he sat down. He took a long sip of hot coffee and then began to wait.
A mother and young girl went by.
" Good morning". He smiled. " Care to try some Ginormous Juice?".
" No thanks". She hung onto her young daughter's hand as they quickly walked away.
Mark grinned as two young women approached the table.
" Good morning" he said as he pointed toward the plastic cartons. " Would you like to try some Ginormous Juice?".
" No thank you" Barbara Hemphill said as she began to walk away. " Missy come on".
Her friend began to walk away. " Sorry".
Mark smiled as they walked away.
" It will take away your aches and pains".
Missy Memphon stopped and turned around.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

crimes of the century: Ted Bundy

crimes of the century: Ted Bundy by ric gustafson

In January of 1974, several women began to vanish in Seattle Washington. From 1974 to 1978, someone preyed on young women luring them to his car or asking for help. These victims he would take to secluded areas where he raped and murdered them.
A handsome well spoken intelligent man named Ted Bundy confessed that during that time period he murdered more than thirty females in a coast to coast killing spree.
After being stopped in a routine traffic operation, he was found with burglary tools in his car. He was sentenced to one to 15 years for attempted kidnapping. While awaiting trial for murder in Colorado, he escaped and fled to Florida. He killed more people in Florida before being stopped in Pensacola. After being linked to the Florida murders, Bundy was sentenced to death.
On Jan 24, 1989 Bundy was executed in the Florida State Prison's electric chair.
He confessed to 36 murders and authorities think that there might be more.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Science of Sin: Gluttony

the Science of Sin: Gluttony by ric gustafson

Gluttony starts out with the occasion of eating too much. We eat more chips than usual or eat more helpings of pie than we should. Our brain can be tricked into eating more based on how it tastes or feels in our mouth. Our brain responds to high sugar and high fat foods. When we eat for pleasure rather than hunger, gluttony can happen.
Eating is a great pleasure and a dire necessity. We have a system of hormones and neurotransmitters that make us hungry when we need energy and full when we have had enough. Take a potato chip for example. When we bite into one, we feel crunchy, salty and rich. We will stop eating them when we are tired of eating them. This is called sensory specific satiety. This is processed in the orbitofrontal cortex of our brain. Neurons respond when we first take a bite of something and then get weaker the more bites we take. Gluttony can happen when the wrong food is right in front of us. When someone has overindulged, the likelihood of continuing is greater. Some foods are more prone to gluttony than others. These include ice cream, chocolate, cookies and candy.

research help: Scientific American Mind November December 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

John 9: 1-41 page 3

John 9: 1-41 page 3 by ric gustafson

He squinted his eyes as he again walked up to the Pharisees. They had asked him to see them a second time.
A Pharisee pointed at him. " We know that this man is a sinner".
" A sinner I don't know". He grinned at them. " What I do know is that I was blind and now I see".
" How did he open your eyes?".
" I told you already and you did not listen". He sighed. " You do not want to become his disciples too, do you?".
One of them sneered at him. " We are disciples of Moses".
" You do not know this man and yet he opened my eyes". He smiled. " Unless he was from God, he could do nothing".
" You were born in sins and you are teaching us!". One pointed his arm in furious anger. " Get out of here!".
Later, Jesus heard what the man had said to the religious leaders. He encountered him later that day. " Do you believe in the Son of Man?".
" Who is he that I may believe in him?".
Jesus looked at him with compassion in his eyes. " You have seen him and he is the one talking with you".

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

John 9: 1-41 page 2

John 9: 1-41 page 2 by ric gustafson

He went to the Pool of Siloam which was at the southern end of Hezekiah's tunnel. As he slowly washed out his eyes, colors and shapes came back and he began to notice people around him.
Someone pointed at him. " Isn't this the man who used to beg?".
He replied in a loud voice. " I am he, I am the one".
Another person pointed at him. " How then were your eyes opened?".
He smiled. " The man Jesus made clay, put it on my eyes and said go to Siloam and wash". He showed them his now open eyes and that this Jesus had given back his sight.
" Where is he?".
He shook his head. " I don't know".
The people brought the beggar to the Pharisees.
" How did you receive your sight?".
" This man Jesus applied clay to my eyes, I washed and now I see".
A Pharisee sneered at him. " This man is not from God because he does not keep the Sabbath". Another one pointed a finger at him. " What do you say about him now?".
" He is a prophet".
The Pharisees turned to the parents. " Is this your son who was born blind but now can see?".
" This is our son who was blind but now can see". He shook his arms in frustration. " How or why we do not know". He stared at the Pharisees. " Ask him yourself".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

crimes of the century: Son of Sam

crimes of the century: Son of Sam by ric gustafson

On July 29 1976, Donna Lauria  was murdered as she talked to a friend. Three months later in nearby Queens New York,  Carl Denaro was shot in the head. On November 26 1976, Joanne Lomino and her friend Donna DeMasi were shot. After Christine Freund was shot twice in the head, hundreds of New York cops were drafted to find the killer.
By May 1977, two more people had been shot in the head. A parking ticket belonging to a 23 year old former Army marksman named David Berkowitz was traced to the scene of one of the final murders.
Berkowitz pleaded guilty in June 1978 and was sentenced to 365 years in prison. Even though he is eligible for parole, he has no interest in seeking it.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 9, 2013

crimes of the century: Jimmy Hoffa

crimes of the century: Jimmy Hoffa by ric gustafson

On July 30 1975, Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa went to a restaurant named Machus Red Fox near Detroit. The 62 year old was to meet two Mafia bigwigs named Anthony Giacalone and Anthony Provenzano. Hoffa had done time for jury tampering, attempted bribery and fraud. Hoffa did not come home. His wife reported him missing. His car was found at the restaurant but Hoffa was never found.
Theories have surfaced as far as the fate of the Teamster Boss.
Hoffa was declared ' presumed dead' in 1982.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the broken Christmas pitcher page 6

the broken Christmas pitcher page 6 by ric gustafson

Myron put glue on the broken piece.
" Myron, tell me about high school?".
" High School was very hard for me" he said as he put the piece into the broken pitcher. " I was very shy and self conscious about myself".
" How did you deal with that?".
" I spent time with church friends and participated in activities that I felt comfortable doing".
The young man smiled. " God did that for you".
" He provided counselors at school so I could graduate on time".
" God is good".
Myron smiled back. " He sure is".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 8, 2013

the broken Christmas pitcher page 5

the broken Christmas pitcher page 5 by ric gustafson

The young man handed Myron a broken piece of the pitcher. " Tell me about the safety patrol in the 5th grade?".
Myron thought for a moment and then put some glue on the piece. " The kids on the safety patrol and others made fun of me and my name".
" They made fun of the name Myron".
He put the glued piece on the broken pitcher. " Yes, and it made me feel very self  conscious about myself".
He hugged Myron. " How did you deal with it?".
" In the 6th grade, I started writing funny stories so the kids would like me".
Both stared at the broken pitcher. " Myron, God would never make fun of you".
" I know".
" Let's take a break and work on this later".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 7, 2013

crimes of the century: Patty Hearst

crimes of the century: Patty Hearst by ric gustafson

Patty Hearst was a student in Berkeley California and was the granddaughter of media mogul William Randolph Hearst.
On Feb 4 1974, she was dragged away from her apartment and kidnapped. The Symbionese Liberation Army led by Donald Defreeze left a bizarre ransom note. Hearst was blindfolded, gagged, tied up, raped by Defreeze and beaten up. To stop what was happening to her, she agreed to participate in their activities,
She participated in a bank heist where the video camera caught her holding a rifle. Two witnesses were shot during the heist. Instead of a victim, now she was wanted as a fugitive. Over the next seventeen months, she participated in several robberies and shootings. She was caught on Sept 18 1975.
She was sentenced to seven years in prison. President Carter commuted her sentence after two years. President Clinton gave her a full pardon in 2001.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revision page 18

through the eyes of a child revision page 18 by ric gustafson

Charles walked along the trail slowly as he looked around. He was hoping that maybe he would see something that would give them a break in the case. A small quiet voice had told him to take another stroll around the park. As he walked toward the clearing where his daughter disappeared, tears came to his eyes. Silently, he prayed to God that his daughter was safe. He walked up to the park bench and sat down.
" Mr Brown".
He turned and noticed the grinning face of a young female jogger.
" I'm Jenni Morris and I'm in two of Kelly's classes" she said as she took off some headphones. " I pray that she will be ok".
He gave her a big hug. " Me too".
He returned to the bench. As he turned to leave, he noticed a sheet of paper stuck to the bottom of one of the rungs. He knelt down and picked it up. As he began to read what was on it, his eyes got big with sudden fear. In horror, he quickly glanced around the clearing. He took out his cell phone and put in a number. He stared at the street ahead of him. " Detective Springer please". He hesitated. " Hello Detective". A slight smile came to his face. " Detective, I think I've discovered our first clue".

Friday, December 6, 2013

through the eyes of a child revision page 17

through the eyes of a child revision page 17 by ric gustafson

Kelly's stomach growled as she struggled against the heavy rope securing her to the bed.
He came in carrying a tray with two bowls of something to eat. He sat down in an old wicker chair and began to eat.
She stared at him as her stomach growled. " What is that?".
He ate a spoonful. " I call it homemade beef stew".
" I'm really hungry". She struggled against the rope. " Can I have some please?".
" Ok, on the promise of no funny business". He moved toward her. " Otherwise my rifle is right over there and I won't hesitate to use it".
" I promise".
He quietly untied one of her hands and put the other bowl of stew on her lap.
She began to eat and studied her captor. He was short, pudgy, wore glasses and she could tell he was an introvert.
" I figured your father would go back to the scene of the crime". He began to drink from a bottled water. " So I put a ransom note there".
Kelly kept eating. " He will figure you out from your handwriting".
" No he won't" he replied loudly as he stood up and took away her bowl and spoon. " I cut out the letters from magazines to write out the ransom note".
He tied the rope around her hands and then walked away.
" My father will find me" she said with hope in her eyes. " He will".

Thursday, December 5, 2013

crimes of the century: Watergate

crimes of the century: Watergate by ric gustafson

During the early morning of June 17 1972, five men were arrested as they tried to bug the Democratic National Committee's offices at the Watergate apartment and office complex. At first, the motive for the crime was unclear but that changed. A White House phone number was found in the burglar's belongings.
At first, President Nixon denied involvement and proclaimed that he was not a crook. But he was involved and tried to pay off the break in team. Secret Oval Office audiotapes showed that Nixon knew about the break in and even ordered it.
On Aug 9 1974, Nixon resigned instead of being impeached. He was later pardoned by President Gerald Ford. President Nixon died on April 22 1994 at age 81 from a stroke.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revision page 16

through the eyes of a child revision page 16 by ric gustafson

" How about this table?" Charles asked as his eyes darted around the crowded cafeteria. He knew at this time of day it was going to be hard to find an open table.
" This one is ok". She put the McDonald's sack on it, pulled out a chair and sat down. She handed a double cheeseburger and fries to her husband.
His cellphone buzzed. He took a bite of a French fry. He opened it. " Hello". He unwrapped the cheeseburger and put more ketchup on it. " Hi Detective Springer".
Katie sat down with two large cups of water. She handed him one.
" I see". He mouthed a thank you to his wife. " Ok, keep in touch". He closed it and put it back into a front pant pocket. As he tried to open a ketchup packet, it fell onto the floor. As he reached down to get it, he noticed the business card that he had found by the park bench. He put it into his wallet without glancing at it.
" Who was that?".
" Detective Springer". He nervously bit into his cheeseburger. " He said the van was untraceable because there was no markings on it and no license plates".
" I'm scared what they might do to our baby" Katie said with a fearful look as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. " I've hardly been able to sleep since it happened".
" I know". He put a loving arm around his wife. " Let's pray right now for guidance and assurance that Kelly is alright".
" Ok".
The two of them bowed their heads and prayed to God to protect their daughter from harm.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

John 9: 1-41 page 1

John 9: 1-41 page 1 by ric gustafson

The blind man sat with the other beggars along the wall. He stretched out his arm with a cup in his hand. " Alms for the blind". He had been sitting here with the others for as long as he could remember. He had been blind since birth and begging was all he knew what to do. He held out his cup. " Alms for the blind, Alms for the blind".
One day as he held his cup out, Jesus and his disciples walked by.
One spoke up. " Rabbi, who sinned this man or his parents that he would be born blind?".
Jesus looked at them. " Neither the parents or the man sinned but that the works of God might be displayed in him". He smiled at his followers. " As long as I am in this world, I am the light of the world".
The blind man could hear someone quietly walk up next to him.
Jesus spat on the ground and made a clay from the spittle.
The blind man could feel something strange being applied to his eyes.
" Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child revison page 15

through the eyes of a child revision page 15 by ric gustafson

Kelly opened her eyes and noticed a long rope attached to her hands. She was lying on a small smelly bed that had just a single sheet and a tiny pillow on it. She looked around to see a window that was closed and a small wooden dresser that was near the bed. She thrashed around but the heavy rope was tight around her small delicate hands. " Help me" she screamed as she yanked on the rope and tried to get loose.
" Stop screaming" her kidnapper said as he walked in and put a cardboard box on the dresser. " Nobody can hear you".
" Please somebody save me" she cried as tears began to stream down her young face.
" There is not another cabin for several miles" he said with a grin as he opened the box. He took out some of Kelly's personals. " That's why I picked this cabin".
" God and my Daddy will come and rescue me" she softly replied as her drying tears stung her eyes. " They will come".
He put her personal things into the dresser's drawers. " God doesn't care about you and your Daddy is in his office counting his millions".
" That's a lie!" she said loudly and gave him a stern stare. " Just you wait and see".
He shrugged his shoulders and left the room.
Kelly thrashed against the heavy rope.

the madman of Gadara page 5

the madman of Gadara page 5 by ric gustafson

Hakim used his staff to keep his swine herd in one place. He had a good fertile place for them with a cliff on one side and the Sea on another. He looked across the field toward the caves. There was a rumor of a madman who lived there.
Two days before the incident, he could tell that a huge storm was brewing on the Sea. His swine herd was acting different and restless and the Sea was getting more choppy. The day of the incident, the storm came very quickly and powerfully. As he stared at the dark choppy Sea, he noticed a small boat in the distance. Then he saw a tall dark bearded man stand up at the back of the boat and put his arms up into the air. To Hakim's amazement, the wind immediately died down, the waves stopped and the Sea became calm as glass.
Hakim watched as the small boat pulled up to the shore and two men holding oars got out. All of a sudden, Hakim saw the madman rush out of a cave rattling his chain. He ran toward the boat screaming. The two men raised their oars to defend the others. The tall bearded man quietly got out of the boat.
He stopped in front of the madman.
" What business do you have with me, Jesus the Son of God" bellowed the madman. He fell flat on his face in the sand.
Jesus pointed. " Come out of this man". He stared at the madman with love in his eyes. " What is your name?".
A strange voice came out of the madman's mouth. " Legion".
Hakim heard another strange voice come out of the madman. " Don't send us away". Then a hesitation. " Send us into that swine herd instead".
Jesus looked over at Hakim's herd. " Go".
Hakim heard a loud squeal and then in horror, watched his herd start to rush toward the edge of the cliff. He ran after them but it was too late. The herd went over the edge, fell into the Sea and then drowned. Horrified, Hakim ran as fast as he could back to town.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 2, 2013

crimes of the century: the Zodiac Killer

crimes of the century: the Zodiac Killer by ric gustafson

By October 1971, five people were murdered in San Francisco. They were killed by someone wearing an executioner's hood and killing them in cold blood. This person preyed on lovers in parked cars and killed on specific dates based on astrology. The killer was nicknamed ' the Zodiac Killer' and he taunted the San Francisco Chronicle with his letters to the editor.
In all, there were five murders including a cab driver named Paul Stine. After Stine's murder, the killings stopped but the taunting by the killer to investigators continued. Possible suspects over the years have included Arthur Leigh Allen who died in 1992. Others included Bruce Davis who was a former Manson follower, Jack Tarrance, Larry Kane and Richard Marshall.
No one has ever been charged with the murders.

research help: Enquirer Special Investigation

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas: a Silent Night

Christmas: a Silent Night by ric gustafson

It is now December and it is a busy one. School programs, trips, shopping, office parties and entertaining. God wants us to put one thing at the top of that list, time with him. Among all the busyness of the season, we need to spend quality time with Jesus our Lord. Matthew 6:6 talks about a secret place where we can spend quiet time with God and Jesus. God wants us to plan a silent quiet night where we can study God's Word and talk to him.
That night, turn off the world, close the door and pray to Jesus to bless your evening. Tell Jesus that you plan to spend the evening with him alone. Then have a good old fashioned bible study. Read Christmas passages in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Read through the Gospel of John in one sitting. Then praise the Lord and thank him for all the blessings he gives to you. Let the Holy Spirit fill your heart and the room. Confess sins that need to be confessed.
Let this time be a Christmas present to Jesus and it will make our hearts calm and bright.

research help: Turning Points December 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the broken Christmas pitcher page 4

the broken Christmas pitcher page 4 by ric gustafson

The young man smiled, knelt down and picked up some pieces that were still together. He walked over to a work bench and picked up a glue gun. He picked up a piece of the broken pitcher from the floor and handed it to Myron. " Can you indulge me again and glue this piece to the pitcher?".
" What?".
" And while you are doing that, tell me why those young men were beating you up?".
Myron put some gloves on and put glue on the piece. " I met them at college". He set the piece in the broken pitcher. " I thought they were going to be my friends". Tears began to form in his eyes.
" Myron, my friend". He gave him a big hug. " You need to find some different friends".
" Ok".
The young man stood up. " Let's have lunch". He opened the studio door. " We'll work on this later".

research help: original story and ' Mended' by Angie Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 1, 2013

the broken Christmas pitcher page 3

the broken Christmas pitcher page 3 by ric gustafson

The young man opened the heavy wooden door and turned on a nearby light. It revealed a sparse studio with large wooden shelves on all four sides.
Myron noticed that they were filled with beautiful pottery pitchers.
" Have a seat my new friend".
He sat down next to a large steel work table.
The young man took a pitcher from a shelf and put it down on the table in front of Myron. " How do you like this pitcher?".
Myron picked it up and studied it. " It's beautiful".
He smiled. " Myron, there is something that I would like you to do for me?".
" What's that?".
" I would like you to smash this pitcher on the floor".
" What!". He gave the young man a puzzled look.
" Please indulge me" he replied with a smile. " Please smash this on the floor".
" It will smash into a million pieces".
" I know" he said with a wide grin. " That's the idea". He handed Myron the pitcher. " Please".
" Ok". He picked up the pitcher, raised his right arm and threw it hard toward the floor. As predicted, it smashed into a million pieces.

research help: original story and ' Mended' by Angie Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christmas: follow that star

Christmas: follow that star by ric gustafson

The New Testament starts with a story of Persian astrologers who followed a strange star to the crib of the Christ child. These astrologers were probably students of the Word. They probably studied the Prophet Daniel and probably studied Hebrew scriptures. This group of Magi must of had hearts that burned for the longing of the promised Messiah. Like the Magi, we should study God's Word with longing and anticipation of his coming. The Magi were persistent in their following of the star. We do not know exactly where they came from, but we do know that it was a long journey. Coming into Jerusalem, they inquired about a newborn ' King of the Jews'.
Just like the Magi, we need a heart of joy, worship and giving. During this Christmas season, we need to lift our eyes to the star on top of the tree. We need to study his Word, long for his presence and appearing, follow him daily and worship him always with joy.

research help: Turning Points December 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric