Monday, July 1, 2013

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 5

the Birds of the Bible Museum page 5 by ric gustafson

Betty led the family toward the next display.
Hoot Hoot
" What was that?" asked one of the girls.
" That was the sound of our next display".
" It's an owl" screamed one of the girls as she ran up to the display.
" That's right". Betty pointed toward the display.  " The owl is a night hunter and is referred to as a bird of ruins".
The father smiled. " Are there verses in the bible that talk about owls?".
" Yes, the owl is mentioned in Psalm 102:6".
" Is it mentioned anywhere else?".
" Yes, the little owl, the great owl and the horned owl are all mentioned in the Old Testament".
One of the little girls raised her hand. " Hoot Hoot".
Everyone laughed.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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