Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pilate page 8

Pilate page 8 by ric gustafson

Pilate read the list. " The land tax, head tax, levy of grain and the publicum taxes". " Publicum?".
The fiscal officer grinned. " Prefect, that is what the tax collectors collect".
" Oh yes". He shook his head. " Why Rome started that system I will never know".
An aide walked in.
" Is Caiaphas and Helcias here?".
The aide nodded his head.
" Show them in".
The Jewish high priest and the Temple treasurer quietly walked in and now stood in front of Pilate.
" Please bring in the plans".
The aide brought in the parchment and spread it out in front of them.
Pilate grinned. " Here are the plans for the new water system".
" Prefect, I hope that this new aqueduct can be built without increasing taxes".
" Actually Rabbi Helcias, my thought is that the Temple treasury will help defray the cost of this new system".
The Temple treasurer's face grew ashen. " Prefect, that is impossible".
" Why".
" The Temple treasury is used for the support of the Temple and it's upkeep".
" Rabbi Helcias, don't you usually have unexpended funds each year?".
" Prefect, it is a small amount".
" Prefect".
Pilate turned toward the high priest.
" It is possible to use the half shekel temple dues for your water system".
" I'm listening Caiaphas".
" This surplus is possible if the Sanhedrin agrees".
Pilate nodded. " I await your decision".
Two days later, the two came back.
Helcias smiled. " Prefect, the Sanhedrin agrees under three conditions".
" And they are?".
" First, this agreement comes under protest and is to be kept in strict confidence".
" Agreed".
" Second, if someone talks, our hands are tied in the matter".
" Agreed".
" Third, this aqueduct flows into the cisterns already under the Temple".
" Agreed".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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