Thursday, July 11, 2013

teach us to pray: dark prayer

teach us to pray: dark prayer by ric gustafson

Jonah understood dark desperation. God told him to go to Nineveh but instead he ran in the other direction. He got on a ship in Joppa and tried to get away from God. God had other plans for him and sent a storm to stop him. The crew threw him overboard and was swallowed by a beast from the deep. Just like Jonah, when we are in a dark place and cannot see we cry to God to save us. Jonah was drowned in death. He writes that he called out of his distress to the Lord and he answered me. When we have reached a dark place, we can cry to God and he will save us. Jonah also writes that salvation is from the Lord. We do not know how God will answer but we do know that he is listening. We pray in our dark places knowing that God will deliver us to the light.

research help: In Touch October 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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