Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spirtual Elements: Wisdom

Spiritual Elements: Wisdom by ric gustafson

There is a very important spiritual element that we need to make other elements shine. That important element is wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge compounded by grace. Wisdom is a base for living and seeing things through God's vision. One good example of wisdom in the bible is the story of Solomon. According to I Kings chapter 4, God gave Solomon wisdom and great understanding. Men of all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon.
Wisdom comes from God and it's given by grace. The experiences of life can enhance our wisdom. Luke chapter 2 says that Jesus was filled with wisdom and that the grace of God was upon him. Jesus had perfect knowledge and by grace shared that with us,  According to Proverbs chapter 9, fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We need to pray for wisdom and to really study God's Word.
We need to fear the Lord, receive his grace, ask for others to pray for us, ask God for wisdom and let God's Word mold our minds. Wisdom is a key element for godliness and it can be found at the foot of Calvary.

research help: Turning Points February 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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