Saturday, July 13, 2013

teach us to pray: helpful prayer

teach us to pray: helpful prayer by ric gustafson

Sometimes when we pray, we say " God help me".
Prayer is talking to someone or something which we seek union. When we pray, we're taking a chance that we are loved and chosen. When we pray, God wants us to be totally honest with him.
God wants our prayers to be truthful and real.
The first simple prayer is help. When we pray, we usually pray for a lot of things. We pray for our planet, our poor and their suffering. Help is the first great prayer.
We pray for help when we think to ourselves that I can't do this or deal with this situation. When we pray help, we are asking for God to stop this thorn in my side and help me to turn this around.

research help: ' the three essential prayers' by Anne Lamott

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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