Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Am: a bearer of burdens

I Am: a bearer of burdens by ric gustafson

Matthew 11:29-30 says take my yoke upon you and learn from me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. In Eden, life was secure for Adam and Eve. They were rooted in God's love and boundless love. Then they became uncertain and insecure and lost the anchor in their lives. To protect ourselves, we want certain rights for our self preservation. We want the right to privacy, happiness, to be understood, to succeed and others.
God does not want us to be responsible for our own lives, we need to give our lives back to God. When we give our lives to Christ and his authority, we get to go back to Eden. God does not want us to fear, worry or have anxiety. God wants those burdens and bear them for us. When God takes our burdens for us, we have freedom to live like God wants us to live. God wants us to simply obey him and he will take our yoke and then our burden will be light.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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