Tuesday, July 30, 2013

come follow me: we need to believe

come follow me: we need to believe by ric gustafson

We cannot decide to make Jesus our Lord. Jesus is Lord  whether we decide that or not. What we do need to decide is whether we will follow his lordship. This is the key to conversion. Jesus does not want us redefine being a Christian for our own tastes.
When we believe and follow Jesus, our minds will change because of God's truth. To follow Jesus means that we must believe in him. After his death and departure, Jesus promised to send the Spirit of Truth. To be a disciple of Jesus is to be devoted to his teaching and his words.
As followers, we must believe that Jesus died on a cross for my sins and rose again.  As disciples of Jesus, we must take Jesus at his Word. Jesus proclaims that whoever believes in him will live.
When we believe in Jesus, he wants us to proclaim it to others. As followers, Jesus wants us to go out and make disciples of all nations.

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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