Wednesday, July 24, 2013

come follow me: a believer or not?

come follow me: a believer or not? by ric gustafson

When Jesus knocks at the door of your heart, two things can happen. The first is what many people do to Jesus. They simply say no thank you and close the door. Some people open the door and let him in. When they do and invite him into their heart, they are saved forever. Jesus explains to everyone who believes in him that in order to live you must die.
Jesus told his disciples that if anyone is going to follow him, he must deny himself. Peter was crucified upside down. Andrew was crucified in Greece. James was beheaded and John was exiled. The call to follow Jesus is a summons to lose our lives. When we die to ourselves and live for him, we have an eternal purpose.
The question we need to ponder is is it possible to profess to be a Christian and yet not know Christ. The answer to that question is yes. Jesus himself said that not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of God. But only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Jesus said that following him by the narrow gate would be a hard road. Jesus said that his disciples would be beaten, betrayed, mistreated, isolated and killed for following him. He also said that we would be hated by all nations because of me. Repentance is a biblical term that means a change in someone's mind, heart and life. Repentance means to change a former life to a new life. When we change to a new life, everything begins to change. Our minds change, our desires change and our wills change. Our reason for living changes because self and Satan is no longer our God. So when Jesus says come follow me, our journey begins.
Please take this journey with me.

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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