Monday, July 8, 2013

teach us to pray: fasting

teach us to pray: fasting by ric gustafson

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that is not taught in many churches today. It was a common practice in both the Old and New Testaments. Moses and Jesus fasted for forty days. The early church fasted and asked for the Lord's guidance in decision making. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus says whenever you fast.
One goal of fasting is to help us recognize and repent of sin. Jesus gave us instructions on how to fast. First, Jesus instructed us to fast quietly rather than tell everyone. Second, our fasting goal is to seek God. Third, we should be sincere with our fasting attitude.
So why should we fast?. First, we need it to cleanse our sinful hearts. Second, we need God's guidance in our lives. Third, we need deliverance and protection. We need fasting to draw closer to Jesus. Fasting is a privilege and Satan will try to keep us from doing it. Whichever way you fast by skipping a meal or doing it a different way, God knows your heart and your reason for doing it.
Father Son and Holy Spirit, please teach us to pray.

research help: In Touch October 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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