Friday, July 26, 2013

Pilate page 18

Pilate page 18 by ric gustafson

As the two shackled men were led away, Caiaphas's servant walked up. " Malchus, what is this interruption?".
" I'm sorry my Prefect" the young servant replied. " This is a serious situation".
" What situation?".
" My Lord Caiaphas and members of the Sanhedrin are outside waiting for you".
" Why are they waiting for me?".
" They are waiting for you to confirm their verdict against the Rabbi from Galilee".
" They have already tried him".
" Yes my Prefect". Malchus grinned. " There has already been two trials".
" And what was their verdict?".
" Guilty" replied Malchus. " They seek the death penalty".
" Death!".
" My Prefect, that is why they have brought him here".
 Just then, a centurion walked in. " My Prefect, a huge crowd is gathering in front of the palace".
" Flavius, I know".
" My Prefect, should I bring in reinforcements?".
" Yes, but keep them out of sight for now".
Pilate now stared at the young servant. " Malchus, tell your Master that I will see the prisoner".
Flavius spoke up. " My Prefect, they have to remain outside the Praetorium to avoid defilement".
Pilate remembered and then shook his head.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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