Tuesday, July 17, 2012

where is your God? page 5

where is your God? page 5 by ric gustafson

Roland flipped the pancake over on it's other side. He heard footsteps coming down the carpeted stairs. He saw Brett and J.C. walk in and sit down at the large wooden kitchen table.
" Morning Dad" his son said as he yawned. " I could hear you making pancakes upstairs".
" How did you sleep last night J.C.".
" The bed was wonderful". He took a small sip of the water that was sitting by his plate. " Thank you for your hospitality".
" That's the least I can do for helping my son" he replied with a smile as he handed a plate of pancakes to each of them. He fixed himself a plate and then sat down. He took a sip of his orange juice". " Well J.C., tell me again what you do for a living?".

research help: a Rev John Lewis sermon

Everyone have a great Tuesday. Love Ric

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