Sunday, July 29, 2012

little drummer boy page 3

little drummer boy page 3 by ric gustafson

Eli woke up and noticed that the train was going through some fields. He was lying next to his new soldier friend Mick.
" Where are we going Mick?".
" West and then south".
The train passed through Indiana, Alabama and then stopped in Tennessee next to a railroad station.
" What are we doing here Mick?".
" Guarding this railroad".
Eli and the other soldiers of the 107th stepped out of the boxcar and were handed shovels to cut down trees.
Eli stared at his friend as they cut down branches. " Mick, what's it like being in a battle?".
" Eli, this last battle we were in called Chickamauga took a lot of the 107th's best men" he said as he cut off a branch and put it on the dusty ground. " The Rebs drove us out of Georgia".
" I have my drum, I'm ready to fight".
" Your opportunity will come".

research help: ' The Storm Before Atlanta' by Karen Schwabach

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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