Friday, July 6, 2012

a Green Acres christmas page 1

a Green Acres christmas page 1 by ric gustafson

" Cuckoo".
Lisa Douglas opened her eyes. She closed them again.
" Cuckoo".
She opened her eyes and then reached over toward her husband who was snoring. She gently shook him. " Oliver".
" Yes". He fell back asleep.
" Oliver, wake up" she said louder as she shook her husband.
Oliver opened his eyes and then glanced at the clock on his nightstand. " Lisa, it's 3:00 in the morning go back to sleep". He closed his eyes again.
Lisa turned on her side to go back to sleep.
" Cuckoo".
She opened her eyes, turned and shook her husband. " Oliver, there it goes again".
" That's just our new cuckoo clock".
" What's a cuckoo?".
" A bird sings that as it comes out of the clock".
" That's a silly thing for a bird to do" she replied. " Where did you find that?".
" Mr Drucker told me about it as I was looking for a saw to cut down a tree for christmas".
" Why didn't you find a fake one where all you have to do is fit the colored branches into the holes".
" Lisa, I'm a farmer and I want a real tree that I can smell the wood and see real needles on the floor".
Lisa stared at her husband.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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