Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the story of Sarai page 10

the story of Sarai page 10 by ric gustafson

Sarai could smell the smoke from her husband's sacrifice as she scooped wheat kernals into a stone bowl. She picked up a pestle and began to work the grain.
" I wonder how long we'll stay" Melah said as she looked toward the lush hills. " It's beautiful here".
" I don't know" was Sarai's reply as she put some raw mustard into the bowl and stirred.
" Ready for some meat" said Abram as he carried with him a portion of the sacrificed lamb. He gave it to his wife. " I have work to do but I will be back".
Sarai smiled as she added water to her flour and started to knead the dough.
Melah stared at Sarai. " Are you sure you don't want to pray to my goddess for the promise from Abram's God".
" No".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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