Friday, July 20, 2012

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 9

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 9 by ric gustafson

David opened a ketchup packet and squeezed it unto the top of his cheeseburger. He looked up to see someone standing next to him. It was Zoie Malone.
" Hello David". She noticed the empty chair. " Mind if I sit down?".
He pointed to the empty chair. " Please do".
She sat down and noticed he was looking at his bible. " Still looking at your bible".
" I'm studying Psalms for a bible study that I'm doing".
" I've always been curious about the bible but my parents kept me away from it".
" It certainly has helped me over the years".
Zoie glanced at the large white clock on the far wall. " How long is your lunch?".
" 11:45-12:15".
She got up from her chair. " Would you like to come to the office and eat lunch with me tomorrow?".
" Sure".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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