Monday, July 16, 2012

Birdseye 2012 page 2

Birdseye 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

In the fall after high school, Clarence was enrolled in Amherst College in Massachusetts. The liberal arts college was the perfect school for Clarence to take his favorite subject, biology. In his first year of college, Clarence was an honors student. After two years, Clarence's parents fell into hard times financially and he had to drop out of school. After leaving Amherst, he spent three years working in Arizona and New Mexico for the U.S. Biological Survey. He was hired as an assistant naturalist to study animal populations and their habits. In 1909, he began working for the U.S Department of Agriculture and helped gather data on wildlife, farming and forest protection. While in Washington, Clarence began working for the National Geographic Magazine and started dating a woman by the name of Eleanor Gannett.

research help:  ' Birdseye' by Mark Kurlansky

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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