Saturday, July 21, 2012

names of God: Jehovahjireh

names of God: Jehovahjireh by ric gustafson

Genesis 22:14-' And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh'

This term refers to God the Father. Jehovahjireh means ' the Lord shall see'. At first, this was a hill in the land of Moriah. Abraham named this hill Jehovajireh after he was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. He was prepared to but the Lord stopped him and provided a ram instead. This hill later was where Solomon built his temple and then later became the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Abraham believed that God called Jehovahjireh would provide and as followers of God, we believe that also.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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